Stay with me

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I looked in the mirror again and took a deep breath, "Mickayla! You can do this. It's just Shawn." I said with a fake smile. I let out a sigh and flopped back onto my bed.

Who was I kidding he isn't 'just Shawn'; he is Shawn. Wonderful, amazing, funny, talented Shawn. Great smile, kind eyes, cutest pinkish cheeks, amazing personality, equally gorgeous voice.

I closed my eyes, "Honey, stop it, stop worrying it's going to be okay." My mom said; I sat up and looked at her. "But mom what if he doesn't like me back?" I asked.

My mom smiled knowingly and walked over to me. She laid a comforting hand on my shoulder, "Sweetie what's the worst that could happen?" I looked at her, "Our friendship could be ruined, he could leave. I could lose one of the best, most understanding people in my life."

I thought for a second, "Maybe this is a bad idea, you know what I will call him now and tell him it's okay that we shouldn't meet up." I said. "No. You are going wether I drag you there or not is up to you."

"Okay, okay I am going." I said standing up as I straightened out my shirt. I reapplied some make up before brushing out my black hair. I waved goodbye to my mom and grabbed my keys.

This is it.


I put on my indicator as I turned left. I felt my hands shake as I thought about how I am less than 5 minutes away from telling my best friend that I was another cliché; that I had fallen for him.

I looked to my right and the sight in front of me made me screech to a stop, one car overturned and pieces scattered everywhere. The second car was completely smashed up in the front and the driver door was open.

I quickly texted Shawn, apologising that I would be late and as an after thought I sent a few kisses and hugs.

I closed my car door and ran over to the scene dialling for help in the process. "How many people can you see at the accident scene?" The lady asked. I looked around the messy scene.

"Two." I said as I quickly looked away from the gory scence of an injured man and woman lying in their car, bodies twisted at odd angles.

I heard moaning and followed the sound to the passenger side of the other car. "No wait I think there are thre-" I let my phone drop to the ground as I screamed.

"Shawn! Oh my, Shawn, Shawn stay with me! Shawn, don't you dare leave me."

The rest of the night was a blur. I remember stroking Shawn's head as he lay motionlessly in my arms, blood messed on my clothes, but I couldn't think straight enough to care.

I remember people running around me pulling Shawn out of my arms. I remember weakly fighting back, I remember being pushed around like I was nothing then being shoved into a van.

I can't remember how I got home or how I even got into bed, I can't remember how I got all his blood off me, I can't remember exactly what I said to my mother to make her shout at me that she was only trying to help.

I can't remember how I got back to the hospital. All I know is that I needed to see Shawn, I needed him to be okay, I need him.

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