It's Our Mixtape

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August 2009

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs. I barged into Shawn's bedroom, I stopped as I took in the sight infront of me.

Clothes strewn all over the floor and bed, admist all of it was Shawn with his shirt halfway buttoned and his hair a mess.

"People will be arriving in like 2 minutes and you haven't gotten dressed!?" I exclaimed. "I know I know, but nothing looks goods!" He said letting out a stomp of frustration.

Shawn had never been bothered about what he wore, so it had to be to impress someone. "Will you please help me?" He asked with puppy eyes.

I rummaged through the clothes on the floor and found some black jeans. I threw them at him quickly, and looked for a nice black and white t-shirt. I found one that said Route 96.

I gave that to him "And wear like white sneakers." I said with a sigh. He put on his attire and gave me a wide hug, "I don't know what I would do without you Kiki!" He grinned.

He grabbed my hand and we sat on his bed as I gave him my present. "Kiki..." He trailed off. "This must have taken hours." He said. I shrugged my shoulders in response, "For our roadtrip." I murmured.

He promised me after the party we would listen to it together.


It was Sammy. Sammy Prescott that Shawn was trying to impress. He kept sending her boyish smiles and would steal glances at her.

"Time to cut the cake, everyone come come!" Shawn's mom said as she brought out a cake with the words 'Happy 13th Birthday Shawn' in the middle.

People crowded around the cake and I was to slow so I wandered back to the patio. I watched as Shawn glanced around and his eyes landed on Sammy, he motioned her foward, she began to walk to the front to stand with Shawn.

"KIKI COME HERE!" Shawn shouted. Sammy and I realised at the same time that he had been motioning to me. I got up and made my way to Shawn, not missing the glare from Sammy.

We sang happy birthday as he blew out his candles and he slung his arm around my shoulders lazily. I glanced at him and he had a charming smile on his face as a brown curl landed by his eyes.

His mom took a few photos before allowing us to eat the cake with ice cream.


We were lying on Shawn's bed, tired from the party and cleaning up his room. "Next time keep them in the cupboard." I let out a sigh.

He groaned but laughed nonetheless, he got up and I heard him rummage around some where. "Ah." He said. I glanced up and saw what he was looking for.

It was a vintage cassette player, he plugged it in and picked up my present to him. "It's Our Mixtape." He read out loud. He smiled at me then put it in.

There were about 50 songs, most of them were our favourite songs, some were my favourite songs and some were his favourite.

"We need to start planning our roadtrip, Kiki, we need to get out of this town. Go into the world, explore." He said standing up.

I nodded in agreement, "Promise me, when we both turn 18 we will go on a road trip, we will drop everything and go all around the world together?" He asked.

I held out my pinky, "I promise, no matter what." He hooked his pinky on mine, "No matter what."

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