Stockings and Chocolate

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December 2006

I laughed as Shawn kept sneaking tastes of the batter. "Shawn." His mother scolded just as he was about to dip his finger in.

His shoulders slumped down but his face was far from looking guilty as he cheekily grinned at me. "Why don't you go help your dad find the Christmas decorations?" She asked.

He nodded and quickly dipped a finger into the batter before leaving the room, "Mommy, he took some!" 4 Year old Aaliyah shouted.

"I know honey. A mother knows everything." She said as she patted Ali's hair. Ali turned to look at me with eyes widened. "Even when people are trying to add more chocolate chips to the brownie mix."

She said turning to me as she laughed catching me red handed. I grinned sheepishly at her, "Why don't you also go help with the decorations?" She asked with a knowing smile.

I jumped off the stool and ran into the lounge where Shawn was hanging up and awful looking ornament. I took it down absent minded and put a light colour.

I ignored his protest and put some tinsel on the tree, "Kiki, did you bring your stocking?" Shawn asked as he put up some tinsel. "Yeah." I murmured pointing at my bag.

This was the first Christmas I wasn't spending with both my parents, I wasn't dumb I knew they were having problems. They decided to 'work through them' this holiday.

"Hot cocoa!" Shawn's mom said bringing a tray with 5 steaming mugs. Shawn's dad was putting in a movie hopefully Home Alone. Which was the best Christmas movie of all time.

We all got our mugs, Shawn's parents and Ali were curled up on the couch while Shawn and I were sprawled on the floor. I glanced at the case on the coffee table. Home Alone. I smiled as I got comfortable.


"Aw how darling do they look?" I heard a voice coo. I snuggled closer to whatever was keeping me warm, "I don't have the heart to wake them up." I heard a manly voice sigh.

Slowly I felt myself being lifted, and I felt myself bob up and down gently. I snuggled closer and took in her smell, she smelt homely I couldn't explain but it made me feel safe.

I felt myself being laid down on a soft surface. "Goodnight Kayla darling." I heard her whisper and I felt a light kiss on my forehead.


"WAKE UP!" Someone yelled as they jumped on the bed. "DON'T SLEEP GET UP." I turned away from the voice.

"Kiki don't make me sit on you." Shawn muttered his breath fanning my ear. I sighed as I rubbed my sleepy eyes, I yawned groggily hitting Shawn's face in the process.

I giggled at his misfortune and rolled lazily off the bed onto the carpeted floor, I flattened my hair, "MERRY CHRISTMAS! "Shawn yelled and I realised what day it was making me spring up with new found energy.

I ran past him down stairs to the tree, "Well then." He huffed as he got downstairs. I laughed and grabbed him in for a hug, "Merry Christmas."

We turned our attention to Ali who was bursting with joy as she shook a box with her name writren across him.

"Ali, we need to wait for mom and dad!" Shawn said, but I could see he was itching to open his presents.

After a few minutes of intentionally making loud noises to attract his parents attention, they walked down the stairs looking as tired as I felt.

"Okay okay, open them!" Shawn's dad said with a smile. Wrapping paper was flying everywhere and Ali started screaming but quietly in appreciation of her new princess house gift.

"No way." Shawn said as he held up a guitar pic. "No way." He said again looking at his parents. "No way, no way, no way!" He said as he ran to them.

His dad knelt down in front of him as Shawn wrapped his arms around his dad's neck, "Thank you." He whispered. He glanced at his mom as she brought out his new guitar. "I love it!"

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