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Stefan walked over to the couch with the package and sat next to Elena. As Stefan started to open the package, Elena started to ask things.

"What do you think it is?" Elena said excitedly.
"I don't know but I have a feeling that it is so,etching good!" Stefan said ecstatically.

Stefan had finally finished unwrapping the package to find a nice box with a card taped to it. Stefan seperated the card from the tape on the box and opened it. Stefan started reading the card and saw that it was from Damon, his brother who now lives in London.

The card read:
"Stefan, In this package there are two plane tickets to come to London. I saw that you have a new girlfriend who you are madly in love with, on Facebook and thought maybe she would like to come to. I have some very important and exciting news for you and I need you here with me. Damon."

"What is it?" Elena said eagerly.
"It's two plane tickets to go to London, one for you and one for me. They're from my brother, apparently he has exciting news and he needs us to be there!" Stefan said happily and excitedly.
"Wow! Stefan that is amazing! When does the plane leave?!" Elena said with a squel.
"It says... TOMORROW AT 1PM!" Stefan said whilst jumping up, leaving the card and package on the floor.
"Are you going to see what is in the box?" Elena asked whilst reaching for her cup of hot chocolate.

Stefan starts opening the box. Once Stefan had finished unwrapping the box, he was left with a collage of photos of Stefan and Elena.
"It's gorgeous!" Both Stefan and Elena said at the same time.
"I love it! And I love you." Stefan said whilst kissing Elena on the lips.
"And I love you too." Elena said leaning in and giving him the most biggest hug.
"Well we should go to my house and tell Jenna and start packing." Elena said full of excitement.
"Yes, we should. I'll drive." Stefan said whilst smiling.

Stefan and Elena arrive at Elena's house. They both walk through the door and try to find Jenna. Eventually they found her on the couch reading 'The Hunger Games'. Once Elena and Stefan had finished explaining that they have tickets to go to London together, Elena starts to head upstairs whilst Jenna told Stefan to stay back for a few minutes.

"Stefan." Jenna called.
"Yes, Jenna?" Stefan replied.
"I trust you, and I also trust that you will keep her safe." Jenna said whilst giving Stefan a smirk.
"Thanks Jenna. I would never let anything happen to Elena. I love her and I promise I will never leave her side." Stefan said with courage.
"You guys have fun and I will see you soon!" Elena shouted as Stefan ran up the stairs to help Elena pack her suitcase.

Elena had just finished packing and saying goodbye to Jenna and Jeremy. She put her suitcase into Stefan's car as she had decided to stay at Stefan's house overnight and finish 'Gossip Girl'.

Elena and Stefan are laying in bed watching 'Gossip Girl' when Stefan had realised that Elena had fell asleep on his chest. Stefan decided to turn the television off and get a good night sleep.

As Stefan lay there in bed with Elena's head on his chest, he began to wander to himself, 'What is it that Damon is sending us to London for? Why is it exciting and important news?' I guess they will just have to find out when they get there.

AUTHORS NOTE: HEY GUYS! Feel free to tell me what you think about this chapter. Also feel free to tell me what you think should happen in the next chapter. Will update when I can. THANKS! tyneishajayne :) x

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