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Elena had woken just woken up. Stefan walked out of the bathroom, all showered and ready to leave for London.

"Morning beautiful." Stefan said with a gorgeous smile.
"Morning." Elena replied with a phlegmy voice and smiling.
"You hungy?" Stefan asked.
"Yeah a little bit, you?" Elena asked.
"Yeah. I was thinking maybe we could go out for breakfast." Stefan said encouragingly.
"Sounds good. Where do you want to go?" Elena asked all cheery.
"I was thinking maybe we could just go to the Mystic Grill and then grab some Starbucks on the way home." Stefan said happily.
"Sounds great! I'll just hop in the shower and get dressed then we can go." Elena said very ecstatically.
"Cool." Stefan simply replied whilst leaning in to give Elena a kiss.

*At the Mystic grill*

"Hey can i ask you something?" Elena asked leaving Stefan concerned.
"Yeah, sure, what's up?" Stefan said full of concern.
"How do you see your future?" Elena asked seriously.
"I see my future with you." Stefan said shyly.
"Do you want an children?" Elena asked.
"Yes, I love children." Stefan said with courage.
"Cool." Elena simply replied.
"Cool." Stefan replied with a giggle at the end as he lent over the table and kissed Elena.
"Should we go get Starbucks?" Stefan asked.
"Yeah, I really need coffee!" Elena said so enthusiastically.

After Starbucks, Stefan and Elena went back to Stefan's house and got ready to go to the airport.

"You excited?" Stefan happily asked.
"Yes I'm super excited!" Elena said gladly.
"I love you Elena." Stefan said with all seriousness in his face.
"I love you too Stefan." Elena replied as they both kissed eachother.

Stefan and Elena loaded their luggage into the taxi that Stefan had organised to come pick them up and drop them off at the airport. Stefan and Elena get to the airport and put their luggage through. Eventually, Stefan and Elena were boarding the plane.

*On the plane*

Stefans POV:

Elena and I started to watch a movie called 'Freedom Writers'. Once the movie had finished, I went to look at Elena and saw that she had fallen asleep on my shoulder. As the flight attendant walked past, I quickly grabbed her attention.

"Excuse me Miss, can I please get 2 pillows and two blankets?" Stefan asked politely.
"Sure, won't be a moment." The flight attendant replied cheerfully.
"Thankyou." Stefan replied as she walked off.

The flight attendant had brought the pillows and blankets back to Stefan. Stefan had given Elena a pillow and blanket and same to himself. Stefan decided to go to sleep. A day later, Stefan and Elena had arrived in London. What is the important and exciting news? Wait and see...

AUTHORS NOTE: HEY GUYS! feel free to comment and make suggestions of what should happen in the next chapter. THANKS! tyneishajayne :) x

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