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'They have no idea what happened. I don't know whether I should tell them or not.' Caroline had thought to herself. What happened to Caroline?
Caroline was kidnapped that night and taken to New Orleans as it was far far away. No one knew who the kidnapper was, only Caroline did. Your probably wandering what happened to her in New Orleans.
She was put to work as a waitress at his hotel. She was his slevae. Had to do all of his laundry, get the food and cook, clean the house, remake the beds, get his outfits prepared. It was terrible. The kidnapper would hit her multiple times if she did something wrong and went off schedule. she had bruises all over her back and her legs. Caroline has to wear jeans, she is too afraid to let her scars and bruises show. She wasn't prepared to tell her story just yet.

Caroline found herself waiting at Tyler's house. She knocked on the door three times. Carol Lockwood, Tyler's mum, had opened the door.
"Oh My God. Caroline is that you?!" Carol said in a whisper. Carol was surprised and relieved.
"Hi Mrs Lockwood is Tyler here?" Caroline asked in her faint voice.
"Yes he is." Carol said as she opened the door wide open.
"Do you think I could see him?" Caroline asked shyly.
"Sure come in. Follow me." Carol politely replied as she told Caroline to come in. Carol shut the door behind Caroline and then walked upstairs. Caroline followed.
Carol knocked on Tyler's door three times.
"Tyler someone is here for you." Carol spoke on the other side of the door, letting Tyler know that he has a visitor.
Tyler opened the door to see Caroline just standing there.
"Caroline?" Tyler said as his face automatically scrunched up.
"Hi Tyler." Caroline said in a big sigh.
"Caroline!" Tyler said as he grabbed her and kissed her very passionately. Eventually the kiss broke off.
"Stay for dinner?" Tyler asked. Tyler was so relieved that his girlfriend wasn't dead. He was relieved that she was alive and well... and home. He was relieved that she was back with him. He had missed.
"Sure." Caroline replied with a smile as she snuggled into Tyler's chest.
Tyler and Caroline were sitting down snuggling each other for a while. They had dinner and had a good catch up. Soon enough it was time for Caroline to go home.
"Thanks for dinner. It was really kind of you to let me stay here." Caroline said nicely and politely to Mrs Lockwood.
"Anytime. We're both just glad that you're alive and well and home." Carol said as she hugged Caroline goodbye. Tyler walked her to her car. Tyler gave her a big kiss and hug goodbye.
"i'll see you at school tomorrow?" Tyler asked softly.
"You bet ya." she said with a big smile on her face.
"I love you Caroline Forbes and I have for never stopped loving you. Even through those two years of searching for you, I never gave up on you. I never gave up on us." Tyler said in his normal voice. It sounded as if he were about to cry. Caroline hadn't heard those words in years, literally.
"I love you too Tyler. Not a day went by when I didn't think about you and us." Caroline said as she got in her car and shut the door, the window down.
"Love you." Tyler leaned in giving her another kiss goodbye.
"Love you too." Caroline said once the kiss had broken off.
Caroline was out of the driveway and half way home. Liz didn't finish till late so Caroline thought it would be nice to surprise her. Caroline eventually reached her house. Unfortunately she didn't have the keys to the house. Caroline was borrowing Elena's car as Caroline didn't really have hers. Caroline was sitting on the porch until... Liz pulled up in the drive way. Liz got out of the car and started walking towards the door, she was on the phone and trying to pick out her house key. She stopped automatically at the sight f her daughter sitting on the steps of the front porch.
"I'm gonna have to call you back." Liz said on the phone and hung up.
"Hi mum." Caroline said inn her sweet, innocent voice.
"Caroline!" Liz ran upto Caroline and hugged her with her dear life.
After a few minutes of hugging, Liz opened the door and they both went inside.
Caroline explained how she was in New Orleans and was put to work. They were both in tears.
"Do you know who he was?" Liz asked wiping her tears away from her face.
"I didn't know him but I knew his name." Caroline said looking down.
"What was his name then?" Liz said as she grabbed Caroline's hand.
"His name..." Caroline couldn't speak.
"What was it sweetheart?" Liz said grabbing both of her hands now.
"Mikaelson! Klaus Mikaelson." Caroline said as she started to ball her eyes out.


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