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Elena and Stefan went back to the hotel. They were both extremely tired and sore after packing all of the boxes. Stefan had only just realised that both Elena and him were going back home TOMORROW!

"Elena!" Stefan shouted.
"What is it?!" Elena said worriedly.
"We leave tomorrow!" Stefan said in disbelief.
"OH MY GOD! We need to start packing!" Elena said rushing around, pulling clothes out of the closet leaving them lying on the floor.
"I've got the suitcases!" Stefan said throwing them on the bed.

After a an hour and half worth of worrying and packing, Stefan and Elena became even more tired. After both Elena and Stefan had showered, they got into their pyjamas and went to bed.

Stefan and Elena had to wake up early and call the hotel reception to call them a taxi to take them to the airport. Elena got in the shower whilst Stefan got dressed and loaded the taxi. 15 minutes later, Elena and Stefan After a long car ride to the airport, Elena decided to go and get some Starbucks and some breakfast. After 5 minutes of drinking and eating, Elena started to speak.

"So." Elena said, her voice slowly fading away.
"So." Stefan replied whilst holding his coffee, taking a sip.
"Here's the thing... i don't want to leave!" Elena said sadly, upset that she was going to board her plane soon.
"Hey." Stefan said whilst caressing Elena's face.
"Neither do I, but think of this... we have the entire holidays together." Stefan said trying to take Elenas mind off of leaving.
"But we won't be alone." Nina said again whilst sighing.
"That's the thing...I have the keys to the Gilbert Lake house and, get this, Jenna and Jeremy won't be there... So." Stefan explained to Elena, leaving a big smile on both her face and his.
"Stefan...Oh my god! I can't wait!." Elena said, squealing and hugging Stefan with her dear life.

*DING DING DING* The airport announcement bells played loudly and clearly.

"Gate 17 please prepare to board your plane from London to America."
"That's us." Stefan said raising his eyebrows and widening his eyes.

Elena and Stefan both let out huge sighs as they walked form their table to their gate. As they were walking to their gate, Stefan wrapped his arm around Elena pulling her in tightly. After a while, Elena slowly pulls away and gives Stefan a kiss. Their last kiss in London.



Elena and I are on the plane back home. Neither of us wanted to leave from our amazing and adventurous holiday in London. After a few hours on the plane, Elena had fallen asleep whilst watching a movie with me. She had snuggled into me with a blanket wrapped around her and fallen asleep on my shoulder. After i had finished another movie, I looked down to Elena to find that she was still asleep, so I decided to go to sleep aswell. 'i love her heaps. She is beautiful, amazing, outstanding and she's mine. Mine... It feels nice saying that. We are gonna have an amazing life together. An amazing journey with amazing memories. I can be honest with her, truthful. I can believe I've decided i'm going to ask her to move in with me after graduation! I'm excited. But... what if she says no? What am I going to do then?! I guess i'm just gonna have to suffer and find out whether she wants to move in with me or not.' Stefan thought to himself before falling asleep.


*DING* The plane played.

"Everyone please make sure your seat-belts are fastened and your food trays are up and your bags are under the seat in front of you. It is 10:11 pm and we are about to board. I hope you enjoyed your flight and enjoy your stay."

Elena and Stefan both started to wake up, slowly.

"Hey." Elena said in her morning voice, dry and an awakening tone.
"Hey." Stefan said in his attractive morning voice.
Elena leaned upwards and kissed Stefan before removing their blanket and fasting their seatbelts. After 5 minutes of turbulance, Elena and Stefan's plane had landed. Once they were off the plane and making their way out of the airport, they saw a sign saying 'Mr & Mrs Salvatore'. It was the taxi driver Stefan had organised to pick them up.
"Mr & Mrs Salvatore... I like the sound of that." Elena said with a little laugh at the end.
"Well... so do I" Stefan said as he leaned in and kissed Elena before packing their suitcases into the taxi and heading towards the Salvatore Boarding House.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: HEY GUYS!!!! feel free to tell me what you think about my story so far. also feel free to make suggestions in the comments about the future chapters, comment or vote for this story. THANKS! Tyneishajayne xo

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