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Elena had met Katherine outside of her hotel to go bridesmaids dress shopping.
"Elena I would like you to meet my bridesmaids Pearl, Anna and Emily." Katherine said whilst indicating who was who.

"Nice to meet you." Elena said happily, making a good impression.
"Nice to meet you too." Anna said back to Elena.

After a big walk, Elena and the girls had found themselves at the dress shop.

"EEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPP!" Emily squealed like a seven year old girl.
"Let's do this!" Katherine said, taking a deep breathe as it hit her that she's getting married.

After a few hours of trying on bridesmaids dresses, they had finally picked one. The dresses were a midnight blue and they were floor length with sequins on the straps. After Katherine had purchased everything, all of the girls headed to the wedding dress shop next door. Katherine had taken ages to get her dress on but it was worth it. Katherine's wedding dress was made out of a material mad to look like feathers from the mid-chest and all the way to the floor. The chest area was just white silk which looked like it was wrapped around her chest. To top it off, Katherine had high heels that were just plain white that matched the chest area of the dress. After Katherine had taken her dress off and gotten dressed into he clothes she was wearing before, Elena and the girls had left to go get lunch at a cafe called 'Bonjourno'.

*At the Cafe Bonjourno*


Damon and I decided to go grab a coffee and some lunch at this beautiful cafe called 'Bonjourno'. As Damon and I turned around to go and grab a table, I saw my gorgeous girlfriend, Elena, and Damon saw his wife-to-be, Katherine.

"Elena!" Stefan yelled to grab her attention.
"Oh, hey Stefan!" Elena replied as she walked towards Stefan and kissed him. Katherine did the same thing to Katherine.

After they had all had their coffee and lunch, Pearl, Anna and Emily went home, so did Katherine and Damon. Stefan and Elena went for a bit of a walk around for a bit until they had hailed a taxi and went back to the hotel. Once they had arrived back at the hotel, Stefan told the taxi driver that they would be back out in about half an hour. Elena and Stefan got back to their room and got dressed up nicely, ready to goo out for dinner at a very fancy and expensive restaurant called 'Romantic Palace'. After Stefan and Elena had finished their dinner, they had a long chat about their past and about what they think will happen in the future and what they want in the future. They opened up to each other, letting one know more about the other. Stefan had realised that Elena will be in London for her 18th birhtday. Stefan knew that he had to plan something romantic and buy her a nice present that she would love.

*A few days later*

Jenna and Jeremy had decided to come to London and see Elena for a few days. Stefan thought that he would give them a bit of time alone and go out and get Elena's birthday present. After an hour and a half, Stefan couldn't find anything so he decided to call Bonnie and get some advice.

After a few rings, Bonnie had answered the phone.
"Hey bonnie." Stefan said enthusiastically.
"Hey Stefan! Hows London?!" Bonnie said happily.
"It's good thanks, hows everything back home?" Stefan replied.
"It's good." Bonnie simply replied.
"Listen, I really need some help." Stefan said with a lot of stress in his voice.
"What is it Stefan?" Bonnie replied full of concern.
"It's Elena's birthday in a few days and I don't know what i'm gonna get her." Stefan blurted.
"Oh, well... turn around." Bonnie simply replied.

Stefan turned around to see Bonnie standing there behind him.
"Bonnie?!" Stefan shouted, not believing what was in front of his eyes.
"Hey! We better get looking for this present!" Bonnie said excitedly.
"Yes!" Stefan said as he snapped back into routtine.
"Actually I haven't bought her anything either..." Bonnie said as her face lifted and started laughing.
"Hey! Let's go in there!" Bonnie pointing towards a great store called 'Pandora'.

After a while of looking around in 'Pandora', Stefan had found a really pretty ring. It was silver with three midnight blue diamonds that shined magnificently. Stefan decided to buy the ring. As Stefan waited there for Bonnie to pick something, bonnie had found a matching necklace to the ring and decided to buy that.

Find out what happens next in CHAPTER NINE: THE WEEDDING/BIRTHDAY

AUTHORS NOTE: HEY GUYS! Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Feel free to vote, comment and make suggestions. THANKS! tyneishajayne :) x

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