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It's been a few days since Stefan and Elena had came back from London. Stefan and Elena have spent the last few days helping Damon and Katherine move into their new home. Believe it or not... Damon and Katherine are living a few houses down from Elena. Stefan went over to Elena's house as it is closer to Damon and Katherine's, and stayed there so he didn't have to drive around all the time. Damon came knocking on Elena's door at 11:30 in the morning. Both Stefan and Elena answered the door.

"Hey Damon how are you?" Elena asked politely.
"I'm good thanks. I was actually just heading down to Starbucks to get Katherine and I some iced coffee and I thought I'd come around here and see if you guys wanted or needed anything." Damon said in a chirpy tone.
"Aww thanks Damon! Elena and I would love an iced coffee. I'll come with you, i'm in the mood for a walk with my brother who hasn't been here in 3 years." Stefan said as he went to go get his coat off of the coat stand.
"Cool. Uh Elena... can I ask you for a huge favour?" Damon said whilst half way down the stairs leading to the front porch.
"Sure, anything." Elena said nodding and holding the door.
"Can you go to our house and just help Katherine, she's going to have her baby soon and I just don't want anything happening to her whilst i'm gone." Damon said with a smile on his face as he realised he was about to have a baby any day now.
"Sure. I'll just grab a few things and head right over." Elena assured them both.
"Okay. Thanks Elena." Damon said whilst making his way down the rest of the steps."
"That's okay." Elena said whilst shutting the door.

Suddenly Elena felt someone trying to push through the door. She opened it again finding Stefan.

"My god! Stefan you scared me!" Elena said whilst playfully punching Stefan in the shoulder.
"Did you really think i'd leave without giving you a hug and kiss goodbye?!" Stefan said whilst caressing Elena's ace and giving her a kiss. Stefan walked out the door and shut it behind him.

Elena went upstairs and grabbed her phone, her phone charger, her jumper and her lip balm. After a minute or two Elena was at Damon and Katherine's house knocking on the door. Katherine opened the door t see Elena standing there.

"Oh hey Elena! It's so good to see you! Let me guess... Damon sent you here to take care of me as he doesn't want anything to happen whilst he's gone..." Katherine said whilst hugging Elena and directing her to enter the house.
"How'd you know?" Elena said as they both giggled.
"Please sit down." Katherine said to the guest.

After a good half an hour of talking about relationships and celebrity gossip, Stefan and Damon walked in with the cofffee's.

Stefan grabbed two iced coffee's, one for him and one for Elena. Stefan handed Elena's to her and kissed her afterwards. Damon grabbed his coffee and put it on the table. Damon handed Katherine's to her and kissed her afterwards. Once their kiss broke away, Katherine gripped onto Damon's arm and was gently rubbing her stomach, breathing heavily.

"Damon! I think the baby's coming!" Katherine screamed whilst gripping onto Damon even harder.
"Oh my god! Stefan go a pack those bags into the back of the car and open one of the back doors!" Damon said in shock.

Stefan grabbed the bags and ran to the car and did what Damon asked. Damon helped guide Katherine to the car, Elena on the other side helping her keep her balance. Damon gently put the seats so they were slightly laying down, not all the way, and helped Katherine get into the car.

"Elena can you sit in the back and just help her keep her breath. Stefan you drive cause I don't really know the way." Damon said shaking and throwing the keys to Stefan. It wasn't long until Stefan had reached the hospital and Katherine was in her delivery room. After 32 hours of labour, Katherine delivered her baby. It was a healthy baby girl.

Stefan and Elena were waiting in the seating area until the doctor came out.

"Stefan and Elena. Damon, Katherine and the baby will see you now." The doctor said as if he had prepared what he was going to say, so professional.
Stefan and Elena stood up as fast as they could, held hands and speed walked to Katherine's room. Stefan and Elena walked in to see Katherine holding her baby and Damon leaning over Katherine's shoulder.

"It's a girl!" Damon said walking over to go a give Stefan a massive bro hug.
"Congratulations brother!" Stefan said whilst patting his back.
"Congratulations Damon." Elena said with a huge smile on her face as Damon gave her a nice hug.
"Have you guys come up with a name for her yet?" Stefan asked both Damon and Katherine.
"We were thinking... Natasha." Katherine spoke up.
"That's such a beautiful name." Elena said with a grin on her face whilst leaning in to give Katherine a hug and a kiss on the cheek. As Elena pulled away Katherine started to cry.

"Natasha Rose Salvatore... born on the 10th of September... 2015" Katherine looked up at Damon who was back to leaning over her shoulder, and kissed him.
Elena was snuggling into Stefan as Stefan wrapped his arms around her. After a few hours of everyone getting a turn to hold Natasha, the doctor cam in and announced that Katherine was free to go home. That mean that Katherine and the baby were healthy and nothing needed to be done. Damon pulled Stefan aside and Elena went to go help Katherine get out of her bed.

"Before I leave, can you take a photo of just Natasha and I." Katherine said wiping tears away from her cheeks. Elena took the photo and gave the camera back to Katherine. Katherine was going through the photos and saw that they were all nearly professional photography photos.
"Wow! Elena! These are beautiful! You're such a good photographer!" Katherine said as she truned the camera off and put it back into the case.
"Thanks! I'm glad you like them! Yeah I kind of do photography at school and take some photos to put in the brochures and newsletters." Elena explained to Katherine.
"That's awesome!" Katherine said very happily.
"Thanks! Actually I took a few photos before the Reception and some at the Ceremony." Elena said as she found the photos and handed the phone to Katherine to have a flick through. Katherine gently handed her baby to Elena so that Katherine could have a good look at the photos and get ready to leave the hospital. As Katherine and Elena were about to leave the room, Katherine gently grabbed Elena's arm and started to say something.

"Wait! Before we leave I have a really important question." Katherine said standing very still.
"Sure... What is it?!" Elena said in her nice voice.
"Will you be Natasha's godmother. Your so good with her and you're so good with Stefan and I think that you would make a great god parent." Katherine said whilst giving Natasha her dummy.
"Oh my gosh! Katherine are you sure you want me to be her godmother?! Because I would love to be her godmother." Elena said with her hands over her mouth as if she was about to cry.
"Yes Elena, Both Damon and I want you and Stefan to be her godparents. Katherine said as Elena was officially crying and walked up to Katherine and gave her a big hug.
"Thankyou so much." Elena said sobbing in to Katherine's shoulder.
"Stop crying other wise you will make me cry." Katherine said as Elena broke the hug and they both started to giggle. Elena wiped away her tears so Stefan and Damon wouldn't assume anything hapened.

'today was a good day' Elena thought to herself. It turned out that Damon pulled Stefan aside to ask him if he would be the godfather. Today was a very good day for the both of them, And there are many more very good days ahead of them.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: HEY GUYS! I hope you liked this chapter! feel free to give this story a vote, comment or suggestion and i will read them! THANKS! tyneishajayne xxx :)

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