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I had such a great time here. Lots of memories that I will never forget. I still can't believe Stefan went out of his way to do this for me. I never want to leave, I want to stay here forever. Unfortunately, the short birthday holiday has to come to an end and Stefan and I need to get back to our lives in London. Today is the day Jenna, Jeremy and Bonnie have to go back home to America. Stefan and I had packed our bags and gotten onto the boat to head back to the hotel. Once we had arrived a the jetty in London, I spotted Jenna, Jeremy, Bonnie, Damon and Katherine all standing there waiting for us. Once we got off of the boat Damon and Katherine went to hug Stefan whilst Jenna, Jeremy and Bonnie came rushing up to me giving me the biggest hug ever. Everyone kept piling questions onto Stefan and I.

"How was it?! What did you guys do over there?! Was it beautiful over there?!" Bonnie said with so much enthusiasm.
"It was good! Stefan and I went swimming, chilled out and watched 'Gossip Girl'. The view was amazing! We were four metres away from the ocean which was crystal clear. We sat on the beach whilst watching the sun set which was absolutely gorgeous. I'll show you the photos when we get back to the hotel." Elena said excitedly.
Once Stefan and Elena got back to their hotel, they unpacked their bags and settled down again. Elena decided to get dressed and go to the mall with Jenna and print of the photos from the holiday with Stefan. Elena called Jenna and filled her in on what Elena's plan was. Jenna was super excited for her day out with her niece.


Elena was really distant from everyone due to her parents death, so was Jeremy, but since Stefan came along, she has been happy and found love. By the looks of things, she grieved her parents and I'm glad she eventually did it. I hated seeing her depressed, but that all seems to be gone. I'm glad she planned to have a day out with me. We haven't spent much time together. After I got ready, I called a cab for Elena and I to take us to the shopping centre. I started to think about Jeremy. What is he going to do when Elena and I go shopping.


Bonnie and I had been in a thing that no one else knew about. I rang Bonnie and organised to have lunch and a chat with her. I wanted us to be together. I have known her for a very long time. She makes me smile, she knows how to have a great time. After our long conversation about what we had together, Bonnie agreed that we should be together. She's my girlfriend, and I couldn't be happier.

After a few hours, Jenna, Jeremy and Bonnie left to go back to America. Elena was tired once she got back to the hotel. She was exhausted because she was shopping with Jenna for ages, rushing around to help Jenna, Jeremy and Bonnie get ready fro their flight and then a very long wait at the airport. Elena decided to call it a night and sleep it off.

It's 10:17am the next morning and Elena is showering. Stefan got dressed into a nice pear of jeans with his shoes that he loved (boots) and a light grey v-neck top. Once Elena got out of the shower, she got dressed into a nice pair of denim jeans with rips through them, a nice flowing yellow top with her high boots and a white granny jacket. Stefan and Elena had headed out to breakfast with Damon and Katherine at the small town cafe. Once Stefan and Elena got to the cafe, they had spotted Damon and Katherine sitting at a table scanning through their menu's. Once Elena and Stefan had settled down at their table, Damon and Katherine had some big news to share.

"Stefan." Damon called.
"Yes, Damon." Stefan simply replied.
"Katherine and I have some big news t share with you guys." Damon said.
"What is it, brother?" Stefan said with a curious look on his face.
"I'm pregnant." Katherine blurted.
"Oh my gosh! congratulations!" Elena said whilst both her and Stefan were hugging them.
"And we have decided to move back to America." Damon added to the end.
"Wow! That's amazing! I can't wait! When are you moving?!" Stefan said full of excitement.
"When we were booking your plane tickets for the flight home, we decided to book some for ourselves as well. So we're moving in a week!" Katherine said ecstatically.
"That's amazing!" Elena said very happily.

After a long conversation about the pregnancy and moving house, Stefan and Elena went back to Damon and Katherine's house to start helping them pack. At the end of the day, they had all managed to pack a lot of boxes.

Find out what happens next in CHAPTER TWELVE: COMING HOME.

AUTHORS NOTE: HEY GUYS! What do you think?! let me know in the comments. Feel free to vote, make suggestions and share this with you're friends. THANKS! tyneishajayne :) x

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