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It has only been 6 days since Elena started staying at Stefan's house. It's the next day of school and Elena and Stefan are walking through the hallways hand in hand. Finally, both Stefan and Elena had reached Elena's locker. Elena grabbed her history books and walked with Stefan to his locker. They both had history together. Once they reached their classroom, Elena and Stefan walked in and sat down. Suddenly Bonnie came speed walking into the classroom and sat down next to Elena. She looked stressed and it started to worry Elena. What's wrong with Bonnie? Why does she looked stressed? Why isn't she saying anything?

There was a girl called Caroline who went missing and everyone thought she was dead as she was gone for at least 2 years. Caroline had luscious blonde curly hair with gorgeous blue eyes. One night she went to go for a run to blow off some steam as her parents were arguing, but then she never returned home. Her boyfriend Tyler was always worrying about her and searching for her frantically, until he realised she hadn't returned home for at least a year and a half. People had stapled pieces of paper onto trees, sticky taped it to poles and hung them up around the school. The papers read 'CAROLINE FORBES. MISSING. BLONDE HER, CURLY. BLUE EYES. IF SEEN CONTACT LIZ FORBES IMMEDIATELY ON 56723451.' Eventually another 6 months went by until Liz Forbes decided to just take them down.

"Meet me at the back of the school. Lunch." Bonnie said as she started to pack up her books and leave the classroom to go to her next class.
"Okay." Elena replied with such worry in her voice.
Bonnie had Maths, Stefan had Art and Elena had Science. They all split their different ways and went to their classes.

Lunch eventually came. Elena walked to Stefan's locker, speedily, straight after she had out her books away. Both Stefan and Elena walked to the back of the school where they saw Bonnie pacing back and forth.

"Hey." Stefan said in his soft voice.
"Hey." Bonnie replied with a worried and upset look on her face.
"What's the matter?" Elena asked as her face scrunched up.
"Well you remember Caroline, right?" Bonnie said as she started to stress out even more.
"Yeah. Bonnie tell me, what is it?" Elena said as she walked closer to Bonnie.
"Well...she kind of...." Bonnie couldn't say the rest of her sentence. She didn't know what to say.
"Kind of what? You know you can tell me Bonnie. She was our friend." Elena said as she grabbed Bonnie's hands and reassured her that everything's okay.
"She came to my house last night... She's alive, Elena. She's fine. She finally came back." Bonnie said as tears started to drop from her eyes?
"Oh my God! Oh my God!!" Elena said. She was absolutely gobsmacked.
"In fact... Look behind you..." Bonnie said as she was glancing over Elena's shoulder. Elena turned around sharply and quickly. Elena twisted her self all he way round to see that Caroline was standing in front of her.
"Caroline?! CAROLINE!" Elena said as she launched onto Caroline giving her the biggest hug she could have ever given.
"Hey Elena." Caroline said faintly. Elena and Bonnie hadn't heard that voice for at least 2 years, so to hear that made them jump with joy.
After a long hug between Elena and Caroline, they broke off.
"Who's hot bod over here?" Caroline said as she wiped away her tears.
"Oh...uh...Caroline meet Stefan. Stefan this is Caroline. Stefan's my boyfriend, Caroline." Elena said, introducing them one to another.
"Great score!" Caroline said with a happy look on her face.
"Speaking of hot stuff, it was nice to meet you Stefan, and it was sooooo good to see you guys again, but I should go find Tyler." Caroline said as she hugged them goodbye. Caroline walked off to go find Tyler. Bonnie's dElena were hugging each other tightly. Eventually the lunch bell went off.


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