Hungry Eyes

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Please note this does bring up the lovely scenario we are all living in so if you choose to not read this I get it. But for all you who know what video this is referencing it's just valid to the context.

I finished unpacking my apartment about ten minutes ago and I exhaled a breath as I got into my bed extremely exhausted.
Finally, all the problems have faded away everything's as it should be, I can relax. Everything's gonna get better I can live my dream of living in New York and being a real artist. I closed my eyes feeling the stress of holding my eyes open fade away.


My eyes flew open and I had to debate wether I left the TV on but then the sound stopped and I laid back down. My minds just going slowly insane from the lack of sleep.


What the hell is going on? Is there a fucking rave in the building? ITS A WEEKNIGHT HAVE RESPECT PEOPLE.


Well clearly someone is having a severe breakup of some kind and I'm not ok with listening to it. I got my favourite slippers on and put a hoodie on and went out the front door listening out for the source.


I looked to the apartment next to mine and rolled my eyes. Found you, you little shit.

I marched up and banged on the door.
"Fucking hell," someone grumbled through the door.

I heard the sound of the door unlocking and it opened presenting a god of some kind. Those steel blue eyes can lead me home anytime they want.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

I realised I had been staring at him for a good awkward few seconds "Um did you just have a messy breakup that you wanted to announce to the whole building?"

He paused then gave a short laugh "No I believe this is what they call a quarantine meltdown,"

"Ah, makes sense well I haven't had a chance to have one since I moved in literally before this all happened only just finished unpacking," I murmured.

"Oh right you're the new girl, hi I'm Sebastian, I would shake your hand but you know quarantine and all that, not I think you'd look a person with a deadly virus, I think you look lovely, I should just stop talking,"

I bit my tongue to stop myself laughing "Well I don't really want to shake your hand either, you middle name could be virus for all I know and my name is Y/N by the way"

He laughed "Well it's awesome to meet you, sorry about the noise, I'll keep it down now,"

"Thank you it's nice to meet you too Sebastian,"

As I walked away I saw in the corner of my eye him spraying down the door causing me to bite my tongue again to stop laughing.


The Next Day....

I watched my paint dance across the canvas the black colliding with the blue making a beautiful colour combination that I won't lie, made me want to drool. Suddenly there was the sound of gentle tapping. I looked around confused until my eyes looked towards the window.

Why the hell is there a litter picker hitting my window?

I got up wiping the wet paint off my hands onto my apron and opened the window.
I looked to my left to see Sebastian leaning over his balcony very dangerously wielding a litter picker.

Sebastian Stan Imagine One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now