One Last Time PART 3 SMUT

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2 months later...

"It's open!"

I pushed Sebastian's apartment door open and dropped my bag by the door "It's me!" I said as I closed the door behind me.

"Hi me, how was work?" He asked from upstairs.

I rolled my eyes hanging my jacket up and kicking my shoes off "Same old same old,"

I made my way to his couch and collapsed onto it hugging one of the cushions on it.

"I'll be down in a sec!"

"Take your have a nice comfy couch," I sighed burying my face in the cushion.

A few seconds passed and I felt his hand nudge my shoulder "Y/N,"

I groaned and looked up and froze.

He was holding a cupcake with a candle stuck in it and he smiled at me "Happy birthday,"

I sat up "How did you know?"

"Your dear brother Chris, now blow it out you don't want candle wax all over it and I want to share it,"

I rolled my eyes and closed my eyes blowing it out. He grinned and pulled the candle out handing me the cupcake.

I inspected it and gave a small smile "This is very sweet of you Seb,"

He shrugged "Well I wanted to show how grateful I am that you bless me with well all of you, we have a nice little arrangement you and me,"

I hummed scooping a chunk of icing of the cupcake and holding it out to him. He smiled and sucked it off my finger giving me a wink making a laugh escape my lips.

"Oh, I have one more thing," he said fumbling behind the couch.

I raised my eyebrow "How many blowjobs do you want tonight? What you after?"

He laughed "Nothing like that Y/N I promise I just wanted to get you something that's all cause yanno we may just be what you call best friends with benefits but it's not a crime to get you a gift,"

He produced a tiny gift bag and I carefully placed the cupcake on the table and took the bag and found a tiny box inside making me raise my eyebrow and give him a look.

"Whatever it is you're thinking it's not that don't freak out,"

I flicked my gaze back to the box and opened it and felt a gasp escape my lips. Inside was a black star necklace that seemed to be some sort of crystal or gem.

"Seb this is beautiful you didn't have to, thank you,"

He took it out the box and tied it round my neck "I did Y/N I needed to always remind you that even in the darkest of times the stars are still there, yourself being one of them,"

I felt my cheeks flush as he sat by me and I clasped my hands together and smiled "Thank you Seb,"

"No problem, now I have a pizza on order with your favourite toppings and I have a horror movie set up on the TV cause we don't want to have that romantic crap and I know you think I'll pee myself watching horrors and I want to prove you wrong,"

I laughed rolling my eyes "Greatest best friend with benefits ever,"

He winked grinning making me naturally smile in response.


"Is it gone?" Sebastian murmured into my lap.

My eyes were burning from the tears flowing out of them as I couldn't stop laughing "Yeah it's gone,"

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