Liquid Confidence

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Don't forget to comment any ideas you have for some story scenarios 😊

SMUT WARNING (Nothing too dramatic but still warning you)

I stared at the ceiling and felt Sebastian stir next to me.
He opened his eyes and looked at me "Well that really did happen then didn't it?"
"Yup," I murmured not breaking eye contact with the ceiling.

There was a pause and he lifted the duvet and peeked underneath.
"What are you doing?" I exclaimed hugging the duvet back onto me.
"Just double checking it was definitely how I remembered, it was better actually,"

I face palmed and groaned "I cant believe I did this,"
"Well you seemed to enjoy it, how wasted were you?" Seb asked.
I sighed "I only had one drink it's just when I drink it's like Raj from Big Bang Theory, one drink and suddenly I'm a confident asshole,"

He smiled "We should talk about what happened though,"
"No we don't,"
"Oh, yes we do,"

The bartender pushed my whisky at me and I nodded a thank you. I looked up at my co-stars at the other side of the bar laughing together and I saw Sebastian Stan staring at me and he smiled. Oh shit no, I took a sip of my whisky and saw him walking towards me and took a big ass sip.

He stood next to me leaning on the bar waiting for the bartender to finish serving someone else, I took another sip and leaned back in my chair and had a good look at that fine booty of his running my tongue on my lip.
"Now that sir, THAT IS, America's ass,"
Oh shit it's begun.

Sebastian looked at me with his mouth hanging open slightly "Wow I never expected something like that to come from your lovely mouth Y/N,"

"Did you have that line rehearsed?" Seb asked.
I hid my face under the duvet "I have no fucking idea it just happened,"

He laughed and pulled the duvet off my face "Don't hide that beautiful face whilst we relive your supposedly sober confidence,"

I felt my face go scarlet and I looked away from him.
He smiled "Now where were we, oh yeah,"

"You're usually super quiet on set, it's odd to hear you say such, unique things,"
I laughed and sipped on my drink again "That's called crippling anxiety Seb, I may be an actress but I have issues being myself when I'm not being character,"

"I didn't even notice I thought you were just quiet," he stood up straighter and rested his back against the bar and I observed his wonderful majestic torso that was still so obvious through his navy blue sweater he was wearing.

I took another sip "Don't do that or you'll have some poor girl faint,"
He grinned at me "Am I making you flustered doll?"

"Yes please stop or I'm gonna have a heart attack no stop it stop," I protested as he started to flex more.

Seb laughed "You could not resist me at all hun don't deny it,"
I rolled over burying my face in the pillow "It's not funny you caught me in a vulnerable situation,"

He rubbed circles on my bare back making me shiver "If Im honest, if you recall you were the one making the move on me,"

I gulped some more of my whisky "I've seen lots of your films and your consistency to be fucking sexy as fuck in all of them is unbelievable,"

His tongue trailed his lip as he looked me up and down "How many have you seen then?"
I chewed on my lip as I thought about it "Let me see...Black Swan, Captain America The First Avenger, Captain America The Winter Soldier, The Bronze, The Martian, Captain America Civil War, I Tonya, I'm not here, Destroyer, We have always lived in a castle, Avengers Infinity War, Avengers Endgame, Endings Beginnings, The Last Full Measure...I cant think right now there's more but it's been a long day,"

He blinked "Did you just recite half my IMDB in chronological order?"
"Yeah does it turn you on or creep you out?" I asked biting my lip.
He gave a small smile "I'll let you know,"

I did not move from my spot in the pillow abyss.
Sebastian was cackling away next to me "It's cute though you were pure fangirling, I was flattered really,"

"Shut up,"
"Oh hell no this is where it gets interesting,"

I gulped down the last of my drink "So tell me, how do I tell you that you are beautiful in Romanian?"
He smiled "Sunteți frumoasă,"

My core shivered at how wonderful that sounded coming from his lips.
I leaned in closer staring at his lips "And how about can I kiss you?"

He beamed stroking his thumb against my cheek "You don't have to ask id be honoured to have a beautiful girl like you kiss me,"
I pouted and he laughed "Pot sa te sarut?"
I beamed and climbed on his lap "Da," (Yes)

I immediately collided my lips with his and he groaned softly as our tongues fought for dominance.

I felt his bulge building and rubbing at my crotch. I pulled away and whispered in his ear "I want you inside me Sebastian,"

I covered my ears and Sebastian kissed my forehead.
"Sweetheart for the record you are an amazing kisser,"

I groaned "That's not the point here Seb,"
He smiled "I know but honestly I an honoured that a sexy woman such as yourself blessed me with, well all of you,"

As soon as Sebastian closed the door behind him I latched onto his lips and he chuckled and kissed me back. I wiggled out of my dress leaving me in my bra and panties.

He looked down at me and grinned "Damm you're so sexy," he murmured.
I pulled his shirt over his head and ran my hands up his gorgeous torso "You're a fucking Romanian god,"

"I getting that on a T-shirt by the way" Seb murmured twirling my hair round his fingers.
I sighed and slowly sank under the duvet.

I took my bra and panties off and stood there and let Seb take it all in.
"Holy shit you're beautiful," he murmured as he picked me up carrying me to the bedroom.

He laid me down on the bed and took his jeans off and pulled his boxers off freeing his length.

I looked at it and my eyes widened "FUCKING HELL!"

"I really hope that reaction was a compliment," Seb laughed.
"No I was just shocked at how tiny it was, I could barely see it," I murmured under he duvet.

"Are you sure about that?" He whispered in my ear.


"Oh god enough stop!" I exclaimed.
He laughed "So it was real then and not fake?"
"What was?"
"Your little happy ending,"
"Oh god no more you have stripped me of all my dignity stop it,"

He smiled and wrapped an arm round me making me blush.
"You wanna know a secret?" He whispered.
"Not really..." I murmured.
He smiled moving a piece of hair out of my face "I have watched every movie on your IMDB page,"

I raised an eyebrow "So basically you're a crazy fanboy of me?"
He nodded "And you're a crazy fangirl of me,"

I rolled my eyes "Doesn't make the situation less weird,"
He turned my head and looked me dead in the eyes "I don't want you to be a crazy one night stand ok? I want to take you on a nice date and see how that goes, how about it?" He asked.

I blinked and paused "Let's not give me any drink this time,"
He laughed "Ok fair enough,"
He leant down and pecked my lips making me smile.

Sebastian Stan Imagine One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now