Warmth in the cold

411 11 15

Just found this on my phone I remember I half wrote it when I was ill last month so here is the finished one to enjoy 😊🖤

I woke up with my head pounding, sore throat and was unable to breathe through my nose.

"Shit," I murmured sitting up slowly, I felt crap last night but I assumed it would fade overnight and I'd be all happy and healthy now but apparently god decided to give me the big fuck you.

My phone vibrated on the side table and I picked it up squinting at the screen as my eyes adjusted to the brightness on my phone.

Sebby Boo 😊🖤: Morning beautiful, did you want me to pick you up for lunch or meet you there? xxx

"Fuck," I murmured rubbing my eyes and I pressed call on Sebastian's name and listened the the dial tone and after a couple goes he picked up.

"Hello beautiful," He murmured down the phone.

I felt my heart warm and the smile creep on my face "Hi honey," I murmured as I reached for a packet of tissues to wipe my nose.

"You okay? You don't normally call you're more of a text person,"

I sighed "Babe you know I said I wasn't feeling great last night? Well I've now developed a wonderful cold or something overnight and I really hate to do this but I think it's best we cancel lunch today I'm not really up for it, I'm sorry,"

"Oh honey you have nothing to be sorry for, did you want me to come over instead,"

I wiped my nose with a tissue "No babe I don't want you getting sick, plus I'm gonna look I crawled out the gates of hell any second now and you don't want to see that,"


"Honey you know I'd love you to be here but you have to film in a couple days and I don't want you being sick for that it's not fair on you,"

He sighed "Ok doll, but I will be calling to check in on you, focus on getting better, I love you,"

"Love you too honey, see you soon,"

As I hung up I immediately dropped the phone and blew my nose hoping for some form of relief but my efforts failed, it's gonna be a long day.


A few hours after sitting in my room failing to feel any form of relief I had moved the living room armed with a kettle of boiling water, a bowl, a towel and an episode of The Big Bang Theory on the TV. Ironically it was one were Sheldon had woken up sick and Leonard had escaped the building in order to avoid looking after him.

"I don't blame you there Leonard," I murmured pouring the hot water into the bowl. I waited a while for it to cool a bit and added more tissues to the growing pile in the trash can.

I put the towel over my head and leant over the bowel breathing in the steam. It made a slight difference I suppose, I didn't magically feel better instantly but it felt calm at least, like a spa treatment steaming open my pores and I was going to have a nice facial next.

At one point I got so relaxed I nearly fell asleep into the boiling bowl but luckily the laughter on the TV snapped me back and I kept focused.

Suddenly I heard the click of my front door and I froze. Someone's breaking in, I immediately grabbed the towel off my head and sat up ready to strangle some bitch.

"Whoa honey calm down it's me, you keep forgetting you gave me your spare key don't you,"

I breathed a sigh of relief when I realised it Sebastian and sank back into the sofa feeling a bit dizzy from my sudden manoeuvre.

"Seb I told you not to come here, you'll get sick," I murmured wiping my nose.

He put a grocery bag down in the kitchen and sat next to me and pulled me into a hug "I already am sick, sick of not being able to see my girlfriend,"

I sighed "Theres no winning with you is there?" I could practically hear him smile as he kissed the top of my head "Nope, if I want to look after my beautiful girlfriend who is still stunning even when shes ill, then I'll damm well look after her,"

I could help but smile at his loving attitude even though I worried about him getting sick, "Fine," I groaned.

He grinned and pulled me into a tight hug "So what we got going on here steaming and Big Bang Theory?" 

"Best medicine in my opinion," I murmured into his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my head "I think I can do better," he stood up and I slowly fell onto the sofa where he was sitting.

"....you moved," I grumbled clawing at the spot where he was.

He chuckled an unpacked the grocery bag "Ok I got your favourite soup, more tissues, some tea, I bought every drug I was aloud to buy before they accused me of trying to overdose and I got some honey to help soothe your throat some more and if worst comes to worst we have the DIY solutions of garlic and Sriracha to help with sinuses and throat...supposedly,"

I looked up and slowly smiled "I don't deserve you,"

He smiled and came over the peck my forehead "You deserve at least ten of me Doll,"

I let a small laugh out "Well that will be interesting in the bedroom,"

He laughed and started preparing my soup and I wrapped myself into my blanket burrito and diverted my attention back to the TV and watched as Sheldon made Penny sing Soft Kitty to make him feel better.

I looked at Sebastian "Seeeeebbby,"

"No," he instantly responded not looking up from what he was doing.

"Oh please the lights are fading and only your sweet nightingale voice will pull me back, oh the humanity!" I waved my arms dramatically.

He came round with the bowl of soup and raised his eyebrow at me and I stuck out my bottom lip.

He sighed and sat down pulling me to his side and handed me the bowl and took a deep breath "Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of full, happy kitty, happy kitty, purr, purr, purr,"

"Amazing now sing it like you mean it,"

"No you got enough out of me focus on your soup,"

I giggled and he hugged me close and kissed the top of my head.

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