By Candlelight

441 8 16

Hello everyone it's been a while since we updated these one-shots.

Apologies for that, I've been juggling three different stories (Go read them now ahem)

So this chapter has a lot of abbreviations so I will list them below.

Also here's a suggestion made the discovery the other day that there is a browser extension (computers only) that has the magical ability to transform Y/N and other abbreviations to your name and whatever other ones there are.

The extension is called 'Interactivefics' I suggest you install it immediately, it's easy to use, and here is the data for you to input.

Y/N - The obvious one is Your name

Y/L/N - Your last name

Y/B/F- Your Best Friends Name

Y/H/C - Your Hair colour

Y/E/C - Your Eye Colour

Y/F/B - Your favorite band or singer etc.

Y/F - The food you have chosen for the meal

So this is all the essentials, if this convinced you to use the install the browser add on I highly recommend it as it makes the reading experience a lot easier to translate all these abbreviations and much more personal to you.


I rocked back and forth on my sofa listening to the facetime dial noise ring out, anxiously waiting for Y/B/F to pick up. I wiped the sweat off the back of my neck furiously questioning why I agreed to this, my anxiety could not handle something this insane.

As Y/B/F appeared on my phone screen I let out a long sigh of relief "Oh thank god!" I exclaimed fanning myself dramatically. I watched my best friend squint and raise an eyebrow "Y/N I really hope you didn't just call me after coitus with someone, you look like you've been doing it with Satan himself,"

I groaned as I wiped my face catching sight on the phone of how red my face looked "No of course not, I haven't done that in years, you know that, be serious now I need your help,"

Y/B/F's face turned serious and leaned closer to the screen "What's up bestie? Who do I need to kill?"

I sighed and gradually slowed my breathing down "So you know that the other day you made fun of me when you saw I was doubling for Scarlett, doing stunt scenes with Sebastian saying it was getting kinky and shit,"

The face of my best friend could not be smugger "Yes, do tell,"

I sighed already hearing the noise they were going to make inside my head "Before I left for work today he um, well, asked me on a date tonight,"

As predicted Y/B/F let out the most inhuman noise that could be heard across the universe making me hold the phone away from me.

"I knew it! I told you when I visited set the other day those eyes were hungry for you my friend, this is so exciting!"

I squeezed my eyes shut and groaned "Y/B/F I haven't been on a date for years and...god he's so handsome he makes me nervous, I don't know what to do,"

"Girl calm down, escort me to the closet please we must prepare immediately,"

I got up from my sofa and made my way through the apartment to my bedroom and opened my closet door.

"Ok, so what are we working with? Did he say where you were going?"

I scanned my eyes over the jumbled mess of clothes scattered all over my closet "I forget the name but from the gibberish he spoke it sounded fancy, like a lifetime worth of paycheques fancy,"

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