Echoes of Yesterday Part Two THE PREQUEL

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6 years ago...

I let my phone ring and stared at the screen until the call screen faded away and after a minute I saw the voicemail notification appear and opened it holding the phone to my ear.

"Hey beautiful it's me, sorry I wasn't there when you woke up my flight was early and I didn't want to wake you, I've landed safely and I'll be back in a couple months, I love you sweetheart speak soon,"

I sighed at the sound of Andy's voice and put the phone down rubbing my temple and taking a sip out of the coffee cup in front of me.

I did love him, I just got lonely when he vanished for work months on end. We had been together for three years and when we were together it was magical. It was the months alone where I forgot that.

I looked around the cafe which was mostly empty other than the same Walmart employee that sat in the corner with a morning coffee and muffin before her shift.

I heard footsteps next to me and I looked up and a man was standing there staring down at me and he smiled.

"Um can I help you?" I asked.

He cleared his throat "Sorry to intrude but I was wondering if this seat was taken?"

My eyes glazed across the mostly empty cafe "No it's not and many others aren't taken either,"

He gave a small laugh "Look I'll be honest you just seemed like good company and I was hoping to have a friendly chat with someone,"

I had a proper look at him with his wonderful blue eyes his slight stubble on his face and his brown hair that just grazed onto his shoulders.

"I'm sorry but I'm taken, I have a boyfriend  if that's what you thought this was where it was going,"

He still sat across from me placing his cup on the table "And I have a girlfriend, I promise I just wanted to meet a new acquaintance and make a new friend nothing else,"

I hummed lifting the cup to my lips "Well why not talk to Walmart girl then she's a pretty girl I'm sure she will be good conversation,"

He glanced behind him and laughed "No not for me I was more drawn to you, you seemed more down to earth and I like the blood red hair you've got and black roots it's very vampiric, I think I'll call you vampy,"

I raised my eyebrow "Vampy?"

He chuckled "Well I don't know your real name so I have to call you something,"

"You'll be lucky if you do get it before I leave," I murmured into my cup.

He beamed and took a sip out of his cup "So what do you do Vampy? You look like a model to me,"

I snorted "No I'm definitely not pretty enough for that, I work at the animal shelter and I'm trying to become an actress too I do a few theatre shows every now and then, I just hope that if I do succeed that I can use my platform to continue to support the shelter and other charities,"

He stared for a second then slowly smiled "Heavens missing an angel and I think I just found her,"

I felt my cheeks go red and I looked down into my cup "Y/N, my name is Y/N,"

He grinned "Sebastian,"


1 week later...

"Goodnight everyone," I called out as I headed out the stage door and made my way to the subway.

"I knew that was you Vampy,"

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