A second chance

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Sebastian's POV

I looked down at my phone as I saw Anthony's name appear and I picked up.

"Hey buddy what's up?" I announced down the phone.

"Hey, so Gregg just messaged me to let me know where we are going to shoot this movie, you remember that when we worked with Y/N she said she lived in some seaside town in England?"

I felt my heart leap "Yeah vaguely,"

"Well that's we are going apparently and I already called her to ask if we can stay with her, yanno get the authentic experience,"

I gripped to the phone "You did what?"

Anthony laughed "Seabass it was clear that when we worked with her last year you had it bad, I'm doing you a favour,"

"I, um..."

"Come on you boring hermit we gonna get you a lady, right I'll see you tomorrow at the airport, Gregg will text you the details, bye,"

He suddenly hung up and I stood there staring at my phone.




A few minutes earlier...

I stared at the phone after hanging up with Anthony and then diverted my attention to my messy house.


Never have I moved so quick in my life, even though they wouldn't be here till tomorrow afternoon I wasn't wasting a second. I was grabbing things throwing them into the bin, picking my clothes off the floor, getting the vacuum out, washing my kitchen floor, cleaning the dishes and every job I probably only do once a year. I didn't even clean this much for when my own mum was coming round and she was queen OCD.

A few hours later once I had completely annihilated my house I collapsed on my bed sighing and pulled my phone out and scrolled down my instagram profile to find the photo I was after.

Once I found it my heart leaped, there he was hugging me beaming on our last day of filming.



Sebastian's POV

I stared out the window lost in my thoughts whilst Anthony was focused on watching some movie. I watched the clouds drift past the plane unable to divert my attention from the memory of Y/N...

I looked up from my phone when I heard something dropping on the ground and saw one of the runners staring down at the coffee cups drowning in coffee on the floor.

I saw her eyes looked panicked and she was standing staring clearly unsure what to do, then I heard running footsteps.

I hadn't had a chance to talk to her yet personally but the origin of those footsteps belonged to Y/N Y/L/N, who was wielding some paper towels.

"Oh no Miss Y/L/N, you shouldn't have to do that it's my mess I can deal with it!" the runner exclaimed frantically.

Y/N put a hand on the runners shoulder "Hey calm down, it's ok, these things happen and I want to help you ok? Let's help you out here, who's coffee were you bringing?"

I was mildly shocked to see Y/N kneel down to wipe up the coffee, I try and be nice to the runners myself but often other actors take them for granted and not treat them with enough respect.

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