Food Fairy

457 14 20

"Dammit I dropped my almonds...has anyone seen my almonds?"
I looked up from my script and saw Sebastian Stan looking under his chair and patting his pockets.

"Seb, they need you back on set," a man with a headset murmured.
"Dammit ok," He murmured following him out.
Damm Sebastian Stan has a nice ass.

I looked in my bag at the little pot of almonds I bought it this morning then back at Seb's chair.
I pulled them out and dug in my bag and pulled a sharpie and a Barnes and Nobles receipt.
I had no idea what I was doing but I was doing it, I wrote on the back of the receipt 'Ask and you shall receive'.

I mentally cringed at myself as I put it on his chair and retreated back to mine and I put my headphones on and looked back at my script.


10 minutes later

Seb returned from set and I noticed he caught sight of the almonds and I immediately fixed my eyes on the script.

I saw in the corner of my eye him picking them up and reading the note. He looked around the room at everyone "...Just so you know...cashews are my favourite,"

I bit my lip to stop me laughing. He looked around as if he was expecting them to magically appear and I smiled to myself.



"I can't wait until we are done shooting tomorrow, then I can look at something less green for a while, preferably cheese...and bread...or even better a big ass pizza," I murmured stabbing at a spinach leaf.

Chris laughed "Just know it was all worth it, you've done an amazing job, you should be proud of yourself,"
I smiled "Thanks Evans,"
"Anytime Y/L/N,"

I saw in the corner of my eye Sebastian walking up to us and he smiled as he patted Chris on the shoulder "Hey Chris buddy,"
His eyes moved to me "Hey Y/N,"
"Hi Seb, great work today," I murmured.
He smiled "Thanks, you did amazing,"
I nodded a thank you as I stabbed another not so appealing piece of spinach "I miss you pizza..." I murmured.

Seb laughed "Not long now doll until you can treat that pretty face of yours,"
I looked down awkwardly and I saw Seb smiling.
"Well I have to go guys see you later," he said walking off.
"Bye," I murmured focusing on the lovely spinach.

Chris looked at me "It's nice,"
I looked at him "What is? The spinach tastes like shit after a while,"
"I mean you and Seb,"
I looked at my feet "What do you mean, I don't know what you're talking about,"

He laughed "Relax no ones breaking any bylaws, Sebs not usually the most open person in the world, but with you he seems really relaxed always,"
I laughed softly "No you know Seb, he likes to flirt,"
Chris laughed "I've seen him flirt, up close, this ain't that,"

I paused "I really rather not discover the context of that situation,"
He laughed and stood up "I'll bet you $20 you two will get together,"
I scoffed "Make it $200,"


The next day...


I stepped off the treadmill and took a sip of my water. God I wish I was aloud to just let myself go and put on a few pounds sometimes.
I picked up my jacket and headed towards the showers.

As I turned the corner I looked and my knees instantly went weak. Sebastian was there shirtless lifting weights. He didn't notice me since he was so focused on what he was doing and had his headphones on. Thank god as well because I think I made some small inhuman noises as I rushed to the showers.


I headed down the rows of trailers towards mine and I stopped when I saw the one with 'Sebastian Stan' written on it. I paused and took a packet of cashews out my bag with a sharpie and a Barnes and noble receipt and wrote 'They're my favourite too'


That evening...

I crawled into my trailer and collapsed onto the sofa and laid my head on the table. Finally it was over I can rest for a few weeks.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I groaned and went to open it. To my shock Sebastian was standing there with a wine bottle under his arm holding two wine glasses and most importantly he was holding a pizza box.

He gestured his head towards the box and there stuck on the box was my receipt and under my writing it said 'I like pizza too' I smiled and looked up at him and he smiled back "You're the only book worm round here so it wasn't hard to work out it was you and a little birdy told me what you've been craving on this diet,"

I hid my face in embarassment and gave a small laugh.
"May I come in?" He asked.
I nodded and moved out the way to let him walk in. He placed the pizza box on the table and laid out the glasses.

"This is a very fancy little set up here," I murmured.
He sighed and turned to look at me "Don't want to freak you out but Y/N this is a date,"
My eyes widened and I slowly sat down and he chuckled and filled my glass.

"Ok...why?" I asked.
He smiled and sat next to me "You know what fascinates me about you?"
I shook my head as I had a sip and he smiles "The fact you are always giving and helping people round set when you probably shouldn't have to and you have never asked anyone for anything, I just thought you deserved the world and I wanted something to give you something,"

I sat there silently as he opened the box and handed me a slice. I looked down at it and back at him and he stared at me "Did I get the wrong topping I probably should have ask-"
I cut him off by colliding my lips with his and he froze for a second and slowly kissed back and I smiled "Thank you Seb,"
He smiled and pecked my lips "You're welcome,"

I smiled and ate the slice feeling alive again and then I stopped, "Oh fuck," I murmured.
"What is it?" He asked.
I groaned "I owe Chris $200..."

Sebastian Stan Imagine One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now