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Eirene stood close by her mother in her mother and fathers chambers, both their handmaidens had been called to fit the queen and princess for new dresses, the reason was not of knowledge to Eirene.

Eirene had stepped down from the stand to allow her mother to take her place, gently grasping Serena's hand to walk her to a nearby table.

Serena was the girl's handmaiden ever since her birth. she was only fifteen years older than Eirene, so at her current age she was twenty and nine years of age. Eirene was ten and four, almost five. "help yourself, Serena." Eirene announced, ignoring the distasteful look Alicent sent her way.

"thank you, princess." Serena curtsied slightly before timidly picking a grape off of the metal table and placing it between her teeth where she bit down with a humourous crunch that made the princess cover her smirk.

"have some cheese with it too, i have recently acquired quite a taste for it over-," Eirene cut herself off when the doors opened and in stepped her older sister, clad in a light blue and creme dress, her white hair curled with sweat, and the bottom of her dress soaked in blood.

a babe laid in her arms.

as Eirene stared in shock, she knew this was her mothers doing. she knew Rhaenyra was with child and was going through her labours, but the fact that she was not resting and had walked all the way from her chambers to Alicent's made the teenager fume.

"sister!" she yelped, dropping the cheese and grapes in her grasp to rush over. over the years, Rhaenyra and Eirene had grown close as sisters, Aegon moving to be more of an obnoxious family member she only saw at family dinners and loved to taunt her sons, sometimes even his twin with an inappropriate joke or two.

"Rhaenyra!" Alicent gasped, turning away from her handmaid to face the newcomers. "you should be resting after your labours."

"i have no doubt that you would prefer that, you grace." Rhaenyra grunted, allowing Eirene to support under her arm.

"you must sit." Alicent demanded, turning to Serena. "Serena, fetch a pillow for the princess."

"yes your grace." Serena bowed, her voice slightly muffled from the food inside. Eirene smirked slightly at her but helped Rhaenyra move towards the bench. Serena placed the pillow down before backing away and clasping her hands behind her back.

"he's beautiful, sister." Eirene muttered in high Valeryian, a soft smile on her face as she stroked the tip of her finger down the babe's nose, the sisters leaning close together. Eirene's shoulder supported Rhaenyra's as they peered down at the new born babe.

"thank you, Rena." Rhaenyra smiled slightly, adjusting the babe in her arms as the doors opened a second time, announcing the arrival of their father.

"what happy news this morning!" Viserys beamed, walking into the room with the brightest smile on his face. he loved the birth of every babe in his family, his child or grandchild he didn't care, all he cared for was that his family grew.

"indeed, your grace." Laenor, Rhaenyra's husband smiled kindly.

"where is he? where's my grandson?" Viserys continued, slightly rubbing his hands together in intent. Laenor gently took the babe from Rhaenyra and passed him across to the king. "a fine prince, sturdy. you will make a fearsome knight." he bounced the newborn carefully, smiling down at him.

"does he have a name yet?" Eirene asked softly, glancing between her sister and the child in her father's arms.

"we haven't spoken," Rhaenyra's response was cut off by her husband.

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