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Eirene had no saddle and there were no spares. Rhaenyra had offered her Syrax's saddle but Syrax was much larger than Stormcutter so the saddle would never fit. however, Eirene trusted Stormcutter and Stormcutter trusted her. they had a bond stronger than most, if not all.

Eirene settled atop her dragons back, clad in Rhaenyra's armour as she had none of her own. Rhaenyra had vowed to get armour made for her in the meantime, so for now the Hand wore hers.

Eirene muttered to Stormcutter in Valeryon as the dragon seemingly chattered back as Arrax stood waiting a few feet away. Stormcutter and Arrax were siblings who came from the same clutch. Rhaenyra had given Eirene the second egg as a gift as her first never hatched, the black and red egg still laying in the hands of the Greens likely sitting above an unlit fire place.

so, consequently, Arrax and Stormcutter were almost the same size, Stormcutter slightly larger as he was raised mostly outside and grew relatively fast as Eirene took him out more than she was supposed to. Stormcutter was around the size of Vermax, but he grew larger every day.

Eirene looked over as she heard Luke jogging towards them, a satchel on his side holding a letter from the Queen. he furrowed his brows when he saw his aunt. "you have no saddle."

"i know."

"then how do you suppose to fly?" Luke questioned, still staring up at her in confusion.

"like this." Eirene gestured to herself. "what? you don't think i can do it?"

"it's not that, it's just concerning seeing you with no saddle." Luke said warily before moving to mount Arrax, muttering to him in Velaryon. the dragon shrieked lightly in response, happy to see his rider.

with that, the two dragons and their riders took off into the sky, the calls of both Vermax and Meleys echoing through the air as they caught up to one another, the four flying and weaving around them before taking off in their respective directions.

Eirene shuddered as the wind blew her braided hair around her head, but the heat radiating from Stormcutter's scales kept her relatively warmer as they took off through the greying clouds.


it had began to storm as they approached the castle, circling it in search to land. as thunder clapped, both young dragons startled slightly, but continued to fly steady until they landed in the courtyard.

Eirene and Luke dismounted, eyeing the guard at the gates intently. Arrax and Stormcutter crooned as they stepped away, but Luke and Eirene kept walking until a thundering growl echoed behind them. turning, Eirene could only mutter a curse as she saw Vhagar's humongous form lingering behind the castle. the dim light and the muddy green of her scales made her blend with the ground upon their arrival, but only now as she blocked their view of the sky did she become noticeable.

"just keep walking Luke." Eirene whispered, placing her hand on his back to nudge him forwards as the dragon queen looked down at them, grumbling.

they approached the knights who stood looking down at them from the steps.

"i am prince Lucerys Velaryon, i come with Princess Eirene Targaryen with message from the queen." the knights nodded, bowing as four turned and marched into the castle, the prince and princess trailing behind.

they entered the hall and stopped before Lord Borros and multiple knights, lords and lady's. "Prince Lucerys Velaryon, son of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. Princess Eirene Targaryen, daughter of king Viserys, fifth of his name and sister of King Aegon, second of his name." the knight announced.

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