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the flight to the North took almost two days, but she knew she had arrived when the cold air became freezing. Stormcutter grumbled, shaking his scales in the form of a size-mic shiver. although he was lucky. Eirene had requested his saddle and his armour be filled with fur, a barrier between the metal and his skin.

Stormcutter may be a king, but he was Eirene's little prince. and spoil him, she shall.

"i know, sweet boy. but we'll be in and out before your toes freeze off." she spoke softly, her voice a purr when she spoke in high Valyrian. the dragon growled in response, but she felt like his voice spoke in her head.

"yeah right."

she could see the wall even from where they flew, descending from the thick clouds that Stormcutter was perfectly blended between. the wall was terrifying, it held an aura like nothing she had ever seen. and it was made of ice.

two hundred feet thick and seven hundred feet tall, created with blood, sweat, tears and pure terror. Eirene never knew why the northerners built the gigantic thing, but she knew they had a valid reason. why else would they kill thousands of men, just to keep the horrors of winter away, and she knew they weren't defending themselves from dragons.

speaking of which.


the accent was thick, something she new the northerners held, but also something completely unfamiliar with her. all northerners she had ever met had their accents watered down, thanks to living in Kingslanding for so many years.

it was deep, guttural and strong.

she directed Stormcutter over the castle, circling the grounds for a place to land as the Northern soldiers gathered for a potential battle. it made her eyes roll in annoyance. the North was always ready for a fight, always expecting one.

Stormcutter roared, seemingly searching for something, and he received a roar back. Vermax. the green and red scaled beast flew over the castle quickly, a shrilled roar of greeting that made Eirene's chest rumble from the volume.

Vermax was quick to join them, circling them in the sky before beginning his descent. snow picked up from the ground as the two dragons landed, both shaking the snow from their scales with annoyed rumbles.

Vermax, the ill tempered and Stormcutter, the harbinger of storms.

brothers who were so similar, it was a bad idea to keep them together.

Eirene sighed and jumped from her saddle as a tall, broad northern man with a thick beard stomped his way towards her. she pat Stormcutter's scales and threw two little pieces of meat from the pouch at her hip.

that should warm the dragons up a little bit.

"Cerrick Manderlyn, my princess." the older male introduced himself, bowing a little. his skin was halfway between young and wrinkled, leaving her to guess his age of around three to four tens. his hair was a little greasy, and littered with snow, a chocolate brown and cut off just at his ears. his skin was a little naturally tanned, but his cheeks were pink and a little frozen. his eyes, large and dark brown, almost black. his beard, thick but short and covering his lower face and down his neck only the slightest.

but his most striking feature, three healing scars across his face. a small one on his right cheek, the longest starting at the top right of his forehead and dragging down his nose and stopping at his left jaw. the third, over his left eye, from brow to cheek.

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