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after the event, Eirene fled back to her chamber with Roman at her tail, guarding the princess as sworn. he bid her goodnight before standing outside her chambers door, hand on his sword.

removing her silk dressing gown, she slung it over the back of a nearby chair before sliding beneath the warm covers of her bed and staring up at the ceiling. then, a knock came.

"my princess, Serena is here to see to you." Roman slid the door open when she called her reply.

"i'm already in bed but very well." she sighed, sitting up. Serena walked into the room with a smile, stopping by the table in the centre of the room. "yes, Serena?"

with a small chuckle, Serene shook her head. "the queen has requested for me to tell you that we are leaving in the morning. the visit has been cut short. that is all, princess."

"thank you, Serena. you are free to go to bed now, anything i need i can find it from someone else." Eirene dismissed her, laying back down onto her pillows.

"thank you, princess. good night."

"goodnight, Serena."


by morning, Serena had come back to assist her. with Eirene's riding clothes in hand as well as a small group of maids with a warm bath, she helped Eirene ready herself for the day.

the maids hurried around the room as she bathed, packing away the princess' things and taking them out to be placed on the ship her dragon-less family arrived on.

before she left, Eirene made sure to bid farewell to her family, hugging each of her nephews and cousins, as well as her uncle, sister and the Valeryon's. she had to sail home on the boat alongside her parents, as Stormcutter was still far too little to be ridden unlike the dragons her three siblings were bonded with.

she stood by the side of the ship, clutching her green and gold, wolf skin lined cloak tight over her shoulders. to her right, stood Ser Roman, both of them watching the castle become smaller and smaller as they sailed away.

once settled, they both looked up at the call of a dragon, Aegon flying ahead upon Sunfyre, his sunset stead. soon, Helaena followed riding upon Dreamfyre, her blue scaled dragon.

Eirene sighed, longing for the day she and Stormcutter could soar through the skies like the other dragon riders in her family.

the ship continued moving forwards for minutes before she jumped at the sound of Vhagar, fear striking in her chest as the old dragon flew above her. she stared at her nervously, Roman gripping his sword tighter subconsciously, both of them looking upwards at the queen.

Aegon looked down at his sister, slightly upset with her fright. despite their constant arguing, fighting over petty things, or his crude remarks against her and women, he still cared for his older twin.

Eirene tore her eyes off of the queen and looked to her siblings, locking eyes with Aegon who slightly nodded at her. she returned his nod with a tight lipped smile before turning on her heel as the salty water continued to spray across her face, frizzing her curly hair.

Roman lingered for a moment before following the princess.

together they crossed the wooden flooring, passing the queen and her own guard, Ser Criston Cole. all four of them locking eyes as they passed, almost as if they were two parallels from different universes.

the old and the new, the young and the old, the cruel and the kind.

as Eirene walked across the ship, her guard on her tail, she felt a chill run down her spine. this was the beginning of something new, and she wasn't looking forward to it. 

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