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Eirene scrubbed her skin until it was raw, ignoring Rhaenyra's gentle hands as she tried to pry the rag from her grasp. most would find it strange, but neither of them cared as Rhaenyra sat besides her bath, attempting to help her wash her skin clean of the blood that sullied her gentle, pale flesh.

"gentle, sister." she muttered, finally tugging the rag from her. her eyes trailed to the stitched wound on her calf. it was four inches long and around two inches deep, so it would take time to heal. especially with how much time Eirene remained on her feet, and with the oncoming war that Rhaenyra strived to prevent, the wound would open no doubt, many times.

Eirene didn't reply as she watched Rhaenyra drunk the rag into the bath before lifting it to scrub the blood from her neck. "you did a brave thing tonight." Rhaenyra continued softly, "you assisted in saving my life. and i'm grateful."

"i murdered an innocent man." Eirene replied with her denial, lifting her hands to play with the ends of her damp hair.

"you don't know that." Rhaenyra rebuttled, "we can never know. but either way, you did the right thing."

Eirene disagreed, but she didn't have the heart to speak it so she simply closed her eyes and sunk down into the bath to rest her head on the side of the tub. she allowed Rhaenyra to clean the blood from her in silence until she finally stepped out of the tub and dried herself off.

her maids tugged her dress over her head then Rhaenyra dismissed them to do the rest herself. she loved Eirene the most out of all her siblings, she was like the daughter Rhaenyra never had. she doted on her, protected her, and now Eirene returned the favours as women.

but no matter how old they grew, no matter how wrinkly and sick they became, Rhaenyra would always look after her. she dried her damp hair with a thin towel, brushed through the curly mass and then pulled it back into a mass of curls and swirls for it to dry nicely.

she rubbed scented oils into her skin and lit her fireplace before tucking her into bed and humming her to sleep. giving Eirene the love a mother never gave, and Eirene allowed her to love her as a mother would her daughter. something Rhaenyra would never have.

only when Eirene's gentle breathing filled the air did she leave and head to bed herself in a spare room, the blood from the battle was still being cleaned.


come morning, they were burying the bodies of Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk, laying them side by side. they entered the world together, it seemed only fair that they left it that way too.

Jace stood between his mother and his aunt, both of them wounded from the attempted assassination, and seeing their injuries caused fury to swirl in his chest. "he is the bassest of villains." Jace cursed, glaring down at the bodies. he disapproved of them being buried together, his hatred for the greens over powering him. "he sullies the grave of his brother."

"i cannot fault him for keeping his oath." Rhaenyra sighed, leaning down with her good hand to throw a handful of dirt into the grave in her own goodbye. they would usually use flowers, but they were short of those on dragonstone and had no time to have them imported from the Reach where the prettiest flowers would grow.

after-all, the sigil of hour Tyrell wasn't a golden rose for nothing.

"and what of those who sent him?" Jace whispered with a hiss, leaning closer to his mother in an attempt to get his point across. he gained no reply and instead, opted to leave the small burial and walk away, following after the three remaining members of the queen's guard.

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