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after the death of Lucerys Velaryon, the queen Rhaenyra had gone mad. so mad, that she refused the believe Eirene was telling the truth, she claimed her words were lies and her tears were crocodile.

"these claims must be false." Rhaenyra, despite her sodden cheeks and her grieving eyes, glared across the room at Eirene. it had been merely hours since Eirene's return, and ultimately, the princes' death. "where is my son?"

"i'm sorry, your grace." the Hand, Eirene, spoke brokenly. only the queen, her husband and the Hand remained inside the council room. the others long dismissed by the Hand herself. "but i speak no lies."

"if you remain with this-this charade i shall put you to be sharply questioned!" Rhaenyra's voice rose in volume, her voice a shrill cry that echoed through the empty halls. "tell no more lies, i demand this of you."

"i cannot, your grace." Eirene whimpered, images flashing behind her eyelids of the blood, the terror, the rain, the wind, the jaws of death. Vhagar. Lucerys saved her life, she should do him the honour of telling the truth of his death, avenging him. "i speak the truth. i swear this to you. i saw-she ate-i wish i could show you but i don't want your eyes to see such horrors, your grace." Eirene's voice had never been so unstable, not even when her mother punished her as a child.

so much fear had been installed in her at the time, but no such terror as the death of her nephew.

"the prince Lucerys Velaryon, is dead."

since that moment, Rhaenyra had fled.

ten days, long, torturous days of searching, waiting. Rhaenyra flew above the sky, close to the sea, demanding answers with her own eyes. she would not believe the death of her precious, sweet boy until she saw for herself.

she sent him out as a messenger, as a child. she never thought this would come of it.

Eirene was left to speak for her, as the Hand of the queen. giving commands, giving orders, was not something she was prepared for. and without her knowledge, the results of this murder had held similar impacts on her twin who sat upon the stolen throne.

both of them struggled, both for the same cause. opposite sides of the same coin.

it wasn't common for twins to survive birth, almost all of them would die.

only one would survive this war, it was one or neither.

the odds had never been in their favour.


"and what? the queen saunters about, neglecting her duty, whilst you, a child, sit in her place!" one of the lords of the allied table complained, yet again. it seemed he was one of the few at the table who supported their claim for their honour to Viserys. not for his child.

they had no respect for Rhaenyra. it was plain to see, but they couldn't cast them out. the Black's needed allies, and they needed them quick.

"the queen has lost her son-"

"it has been ten days!" the lord continued. "if the boy wasn't dead when you saw him, he is now."

"be careful how you use your tongue my lord." Eirene sneered across the long table before her. "or you may lose it." as she turned to address the rest of the council, Rhaena appeared besides her and shakily poured some more wine into her cup. it was clear that the abrasive discussion on the princes' death had gotten to her.

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