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Eirene stood between Jace and Luke, watching as Rhaenyra and Daemon burned the baby girl they named Visenya. she'd helped Rhaenyra bathe and dress herself before supporting her weight as they limped down to the cliffs edge.

now, she watched the couple grieve. her angry violet eyes boring into the back of Daemon's head.

as she watched them, a flash of white obscured her vision and she watched a white cloaked knight walk past her. she held onto Luke and Jace's arms, slightly nudging them behind her as the only two knights who remained by the Black's side stepped forwards, drawing their blades as they obscured Rhaenyra and Daemon from sight.

"i mean you no harm brothers." she watched him lift his helmet off his head, revealing a beard and long wavy brown hair.

the knights placed their swords back down and allowed the rogue knight to approach the prince and crown princess. the man stopped ahead of Daemon, his eyes set on Rhaenyra as she turned to him, her face emotionless.

he reached into his satchel and pulled something golden out of it. Eirene suppressed a gasp at the sight of the stolen relic. her fathers crown.

Rhaenyra's surprise was mild, but it was there.

"i swear to ward the queen, with all my strength. and give my blood for her's. i shall take no wife, own no lands, father no children. i shall guard her secrets, obey her commands, ride at her side and defend her name and honour." the knight pleaded without hesitation, his words firm as Daemon took the crown from him.

Daemon turned to his wife as she stepped down the small hill, stopping in front of him. she stared into his eyes as he delicately placed the crown upon it's rightful owners head. then, he dropped to his knee.

"my queen."

Eirene was the first to step forwards, Rhaenyra's eyes trailing to her as she dropped down to the grass, lowering her head to the rightful queen.

the queen who was meant to be.

as the rest of the people bowed, Rhaenyra turned to her sister, an idea sparking in her mind.

"princess Eirene." she said, so low you could barely hear it. like a whisper in the wind. Eirene lifted her head, being the only one to do so as she was the only one called upon.

"your grace."

"rise and come forward." Rhaenyra said, her voice becoming slightly louder. Eirene stood to her feet and delicately crossed the grass, stopping besides Daemon. "princess Eirene Targaryen, second born daughter of King Viserys VI, i name you hand of the queen."

whilst Daemon's head shot from the grass, looking up in astonishment, Eirene could only gift her sister with a light smile.

"it would be my honour, your grace."


the council was gathered in the hall, surrounding a large table that served as a map of Kingslanding and all that surrounded it. as Rhaenyra entered, Eirene adjusted her shoulders. "queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, first of her name. queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men. lady of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm." she announced, standing at the head of the table besides Daemon.

the crowd bowed to their queen who scanned the faces among her before turning to her husband and sister.

"your grace." Daemon uttered. Rhaenyra nodded and stepped forwards only for her guards to follow. stopping shortly, she raised her hand for them to stop and step back. as she turned back to them, Rhaena approached her with a cup in hand.

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