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the next morning, the rising sun ached behind her eyes. Eirene had fallen asleep drunk, something she hadn't done in years, and now her mind throbbed and her eyes were dry from the tears she'd cried.

she'd dressed quickly, her maids having informed her of a council meeting the queen called. and soon, her heels were clacking with her weighted hangover as she entered the hall. Jacaerys watched his aunt carefully as she approached and took stand besides him.

she was a mess, her eyes red and darkened with bags. her hair was not as intricately braided as usual, her leather riding gear was adorning her back rather than a tight, uncomfortable dress that would only get in her way.

he knew she had been drunk the night before, he could smell it on her skin as she stepped next to him and sighed.

"it is unclear how the keep itself was breached." Maester Gerardys spoke. Eirene had been cruelly awoken from her after cups by the news of murder. her nephew, Aegon's sweet boy Jaehaerys, had been brutally slain during the night. his head severed from his body in front of his twin sister and his mother.

kind, gentle Helaena.

"the boys head was severed from it's body. thousands witnessed the procession."

"and they are accusing me of having a hand in this?" Rhaenyra asked incredulously. her face contorted into one of sorrow, offence and utter confusion.

"it appears so."

Maester Gerardys continued. "there have been messages sent to that effect throughout the realm."

Eirene watched Rhaenyra sit in her chair with a crestfallen face, she hated this all and she wanted nothing but peace. like her father had taught her and spent his life fighting for. it seemed that nobody around her, whether green or black, wanted the same thing.

Eirene adjusted her seat and crossed one leg over the other, Jace's movement in the corner of her eye catching her attention. he walked like a knight, no longer like a prince. Lucerys' death had changed him entirely, he was quick to anger, he always kept a hand on his blade ready to strike if needed, he was overly protective of his mother and very eager to head to war.

he blamed himself.

he felt like a boy in the face of men and decided to place on a hardened mask, likely one made in his time at Winterfell. Cregan Stark was partially to blame.

Jace rounded the table and lingered close to his mother and aunts side, but his eyes strayed close to his betrothed who stood at the furthest end of the table besides her sister.

"we must send our own messages, denying these vile allegations." Rhaenyra commanded, her eyes darting around the table as she thought, before she looked up at the Maester.

"i will do so at once, but i'm not sure they will be received in good faith." Maester Gerardys agreed with a warning.

"and, we must double our guard. here and in Driftmark." her eyes strayed briefly to Rhaenys who gave the faintest nod from between her granddaughters. "there will be swift retribution in-"

"i have seen to it, your grace." Eirene quirked a brow at the interruption. she knew these men held little respect for Rhaenyra, viewing her as weak no matter how similar she was to a man they once respected. after all, in their eyes she was a woman, not fit to wear the crown and ill prepared for war. sure, they had bent the knee without question and joined their side, and they treated her as queen, but they held little respect and it showed.

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