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*Past in italics
*thoughts are also in italics
*Not edited
*dedicated to AnushyaTamilDakshina
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Life, the greatest riddle of nature, never fails to amaze anyone. It makes us trust, let us laugh and when we believe that everything is okay, it will make it's biggest move to change everything completely.

And it won't stop with it, it gives us space, allow us to settle agian, force is to accept only to change everything once again.

Ashwin knew this form the beginning because, life may change it's gameplay everything but not the tactics.

When life let him settle, he knows that it has a surprise stored for him, and the surprise of his life is standing before him with shock and confusion. He can't help but chuckle at the person who had no nambale emotion in her face.

"Hi Aparna, It's nice to meet you, I'm Ashwin Rajagopalan" he said, slightly curving his lips in a smile.

It took her seconds to adjust, but within seconds, her face Had a neutral expression.

"Nice to meet you sir, looking forward to work with you. It will be my Pleasure Assisting you" her hands forwarded for a hand shake, which he ignored of course!

"Mr. Raghav, can I see my cabin. I hope that you made that ready" Ashwin looked at The M.D with a questioning look.

"yeh! Yes sir, It's ready. Aparna will show you your cabin" he turned to Aparna. "The cornor cabin in the fourth floor, show that to Mr. Ashwin and the one opposite to his, will be yours" Raghav said and Aparna smiled.

Working in the fourth is actually a good thing. She won't get these disgusting looks form anyone. And no one is there to judge her and above all, the fourth floor canteen serve eatable food.

"You are okay with that na Aparna you will be comfortable right " Raghav asked her.

'Why should he care about her comfortness! She is just an employee right' Ashwin felt sour. Giving her a cabin opposite to his, itself felt out of line for him.

"Sure sir, I will be okay" she said with a sigh.

"Okay then, Mr. Ashwin, she will show your way" Ragahv said with a smile and Ashwin nodded, wearing his shades not before giving a mocking look to Aparna.

"Sir, here this is your cabin" she pointed his and turned back to walk down to her floor.

"Ms. Aprana. You are my assistant right. You should help me settle, not just show me the cabin" Ashwin spoke removing his coolers.

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