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*dedicated to SarithaSuresh22
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Aparna caressed her wedding portrait she had in her hand

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Aparna caressed her wedding portrait she had in her hand. The photo which was clicked when she was full of happiness and him full of regret.

Aparna knew that from the beginning that, Ashwin married her just because of the circumstances. But deep down her heart she felt that she can make him love her, if not atleast to accept her. She thought that, her love was enough for them both to live hundred years happily.

A tear drop left her eyes, as he thought about the happiness she felt when he said yes to marry her.

That was the time Ashwin was in peek of his carear, that scandal hit him hard.

Daughter of one of the reputated businessman, claimed that Ashwin used her contacted to get success in business and then betrayed her.

She released photos form the college days and few recordings as a evenidence for them in relationship. She also claimed that, he promised to marry her but now saying because, he is richer than her dad.

This came as a torento in Ashwin's carear, even though he rejected the claim their is no proof at him to prove her wrong, which resulted in downfall of his business empire. Many clients cancelled their deals and many refused to collaborate with Ashwin which left them dejected.

Aparna badly wanted to help him at that time, for no reason her heart believed that, nothing of what Nisha said was true. Aparna spoke with her dad and tried to convince him to support Ashwin as he was struggling and he decided to help only for the sake of his daughter. Aparna's father already guessed what his daughter was feeling for Ashwin, and after knowing him for almost an year, he also had some good opinion about Ashwin.

But to their shock, Aparna's dad met with an accident and went into coma.

Aparna can still remember the day their lawyer and secretary met them after 5 days of their father's accident.

"mam! We are facing heavy loss, because of the money we invested for Ashwin's business and also because of sir's absence. One of you must take over the business in order to save our company" the secretary spoke and Aparna's mom who was already broken, was devastated.

"I can't run behind business, I have to take care of my husband, and I know nothing about business. Aparna is still a child, she can't handle all those responsibilities" she expressed her worries.

"Then, get her married mam. Get her married to a person who can manage the business, by that way, we can even terminate the deal with Ashwin and the problems will be solved" the lawyer adviced.

Aparna's mom rejected that idea instantly, she can't make her child's life a deal. And she is just 20, that's not a time for her to marry. Aparna's mom wanted her baby girl to explore the word and learn about the society.

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