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Ashwin work up in the morning and found his wife getting ready infront of the mirror

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Ashwin work up in the morning and found his wife getting ready infront of the mirror.

A smile crept his face, she always looked extra beautiful with wet hair.

"Will you stop starting at me like this?" her words startled him as he don't know that she noticed him.

"No! I won't who has rights to stop me, I'm starring at my wife" he said laying leisurely.

"Your wife is not going anywhere go, go and her freshen up. I will go and cook brake fast" she said and exciting the room and he poured.

"Aparna darling! What are you doing?" Ashwin asked hugging Aparna form back when she was cooking.

"please don't tell me that you lost your eyes somewhere" she made a face and he laughed.

"seriously I should built a temple for Ajay, for teaching you cooking" he said standing in the same position and placed his chin in her shoulders.

"So you are telling me that i' m terrible cook in past right?" he nodded his head in negative when she glared him.

"I just saying that you became better, that's all" he said and she laughed at him. "I know what a terrible cook was " she said Turning off the stove.

"Don't you have any idea to go to your office today?" she asked finding him in his casuals.

"No! I'm going to spend my time with my beautiful wife" he pinched her cheeks as she fed him the Dosa she just made.

"Someone said that buinsess is the most important think in his life" she said raising her eyebrows.

"I'm tired of business, yeah it's important, but not more than my life partner" he said dragging her closer and she blushed.

"Aahaan? What is the resons behind a drastic change of yours, love?" Ashwin's eyes widened when he heard ehr addressing him as love.

"you called me love" he said with a big smile.

"hmm, Is there is any rules that only you can call me love, you are my love so, even I can call you that" she smikred.

"okay okay, now. Answer the question" she asked and he locked his eyes with hers.

"someone told me to invest my time on permenent things and love is permenent while businessman is temperory" he smiled and she hugged him.

"so! Beach or park where to go next" he asked and she thought for a second before choosing beach. She loved going out with him and he wanted to see the happiness in her eyes.

They spend the whole day just by roaming the city and the beach. At the end of the end they decided to have dinner outside and Aparna gave a confused look to Ashwin when the resrurent he chose have no one else in the A/C compartment.

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