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*dedicated to @antoanto01
*past in italics
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Sorry for the late update guys, got busy with some personal problems so can't update.

Aparna looked at the Ashwin who is driving the car

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Aparna looked at the Ashwin who is driving the car.

"How can you address me as your wife Ashwin's, we are divorced" She asked in a calm tone.

"We are not Aparna, we are still married by the law, I didn't failed those divorce papers to the court" his word's didn't surprised her, she had expected that form his behaviors of last few days.

"Then do one thing Ashwin, take me back with you to your place" her words forced him to apply the brake immediately and he looked at her with mixed emotions.

"Aparna are you alright?" Ashwin can't believe his ears. He didn't expected to hear that form her, atleast not this soon and he can't find a reason for her to ask this.

"I'm ready to give another chance for our relation Ashwin, if you are ready to do the same, pleas take me with you to your place" she said and he witnessed confusion in her eyes. He knows that she is bothered by something, but has no idea about that till now.

He wanted to make everything clear with her before asking for a chance form her, and now when she herself is giving him the needed chance Ashwin didn't wanted to lose that.

"okay Aparna, just go and inform Ajay first, he will he worried" Ashwin said turning his vehicle towards Ajay's recidenece.

"Did i made a mistake Sara?" Ajay asked when he went to her residence the next morning

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"Did i made a mistake Sara?" Ajay asked when he went to her residence the next morning.

As Sara said Aparna has decided to give another chance to Ashwin last night, though it made Ajay happy, he felt something missing in his house.

After five long years, he found himself alone in that house which made him feel bad. Above that the confusion he saw in Aparna's face bothered him.

"I feel I like I forced Aparna to take this decision by my actions, I don't think she decided to give Ashwin a chance by her whole heart" Ajay expressed his worries.

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