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Long pending epilogue is here I think...

The summer sun shinned through the veiled windows with the tint of the colors it stole from the glass paintings of that high raised Church. The people gathered their had face full of smiles and the aroma of the imported flowers arranged flawlessly  in the aisle and the altar enchanted them.

In that divine environment he stood there with a sweet smile and tear filled eyes, 'cause before him walked his angel with her father through the aisle to became his wife and his life forever.

"Ajay do you take Sara to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her all the days of your life?" the priest asked and he locked his eyes with the girl before her.

"I Do" he said with his whole heart. Ajay was not sure even now weather he is a right choice for the girl before him are not. but he was ready to cross the skies just to keep her happy.

 "Sara do you take Ajay  to be your husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life?" this time the question was directed to her.

"I do" she said with utmost sincerity, she knows that her Ajay was one emotional fool, she knows that she will get mad at him now and then. she knows that he may even priorities his friend over her one more time, but she was ready to cross the skies just to bring him back to her. she knows that he might never love her as much as he loved Aparna, in the past, yes he did. even though Ajay had always named his feelings for her as friendship, Sara knows him better. but she is ready to make a own place for herself at his heart. And she loves him with every neuron in her brain, that will be enough for her to survive this lifetime.

"As you have gave your consent to the church! Now follow my words and exchange the rings" the priest said and they moved closer to each other. " Sara, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" he spoke as he slid that ring into her finger and kissed the back of her hands making her blush harder.

"Ajay, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" she spoke as her biggest dream of becoming Mrs. Ajay came true. 

"Mr. And Mrs. Ajay  you are now officially husband and wife, what God has joined together, let no one separate" the priest announced. 

As they walked down the aisle together as husband and wife, Aparna wiped off the tears that escaped her eyes. there stood a person who sacrificed unimaginable things for her, just for the sake of friendship they shared. she was just more than happy for Ajay, the one guilt that killed for the past five years is spoiling his life. Now as he got his perfect match, who will loves him so much, she felt relived.

"love are you okay?" her husbands voice form her made her wipe the happy tears. "Yeah" she said and he wrapped his hands around his wife.

Ashwin saw true happiness without any worry in his wife's face today, he knows that she was more than happy for her friend and he is more than just grateful for what Ajay and Sara did to him. without their help he might not managed to get Aparna back in their life. But this time he is not going to do any mistakes that can cost Aparna for him, he won't let her leave him this time. Because he won't survive this time.

"Congratulations Ajay" Ashwin hugged Ajay as they walked towards him after the ceremony finished.

"Thank you" Sara chimed. "Sara, I'm entrusting my stupid friend to you,  if he did something stupid slap him once or twice, but don't leave him at any situation. he deserves all the happiness of the world" she started in mocking him and ended with serious words.

"I will Aparna, and who knows to control this monkey than me ? no one right" Sara said and hugged Aparna earning a glare from Ajay which she ignored of course.

"And Ashwin my husband's best friend is still a baby at heart, take care of her well, if not I'm not sparing you this time" Sara warned and Ashwin nodded his head. "I will Sara" he said and she gave him a friendly hug.

And Ajay looked at his wife with all love he have, she is just the perfect and he wanted to save that smile in her face till the day he breathe his last.

Love, one simple emotion yet too powerful to handle. It is going to be a journey with many highs and lows but both Sara and Ashwin loves their respective partners more than enough to cross the skies in order to save their love and that's enough

 It is going to be a journey with many highs and lows but both Sara and Ashwin loves their respective partners more than enough to cross the skies in order to save their love and that's enough

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 can't beleive i finally finshed a story on wattpad after 3 long years. 

thank you so much for your amazing support throughout this journey guys. without you all i would have never finished this story  which's idea i got whoile attending a marriage of my friend.

love you all and please cheak my new story Destructive Love expecting the same support you gave me for this in that story too.

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