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*past in italics
*thoughts are also in italics
*dedicated to KeerthanaK0
*Please vote and comment

*Not edited*past in italics*thoughts are also in italics*dedicated to KeerthanaK0*Please vote and comment

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Aparna reached her house and finished cooking first. After doing some household works, she reached her bed and dropped herself in it.

"Why this Ashwin is doing all these things and making my day miserable?" Aparna had no answers for her own question.

But she knew one thing, the way he behaves makes her heart flutter even though her mind hates him for everything he did towards her.

She knew this form the beginning that a simple gesture form him is enough to turn her heart towards him, may she loved him too much in past.

Aparna can remember the times he did mistakes and then apolizing later, and her stupid heart will forgive him within a second. Atleast she expected this time to be different. But that seems highly impossible now.

Aparna thought about the time she was very happy, with him. It's true that even though Ashwin behaved hard at times, he took care of her very well. All he did indicated only thing to her, that he also loves her. At a point Aparna believed that too.

The nice words he said, the warm hug, that small peck in the forehead, the way he called her 'love', the deepness of his voice and the intensity in his eyes, they are more than enough for Aparna to survive.

But everything turned out to be an act right? Her mind crossed her.

Yes, that's how it ended. As an act. And she being a dumb girl, needed someone else to point it out. As the tear drops from her eyes escaped she rembered the day she met Ashwin's ex for the first time.

After having a sweet dnace with Ashwin, Aparna was waiting for him in one end of that party hall, As Ashwin was talking to someone retarding some business deal.

"So, finally I got to meet Mrs. Ashwin's" she heart an irritating high pitched voice and turned only to find Nisha standing there with an ugly smirk.

"Nice to meet you" she forwaded hands and Aparna shook her hands with her. "Aparna right? My Ashwin's wife" Aparna wanted to punch her ugly face for calling Ashwin as 'her's'.

"And you are Nisha right, the one who made our marriage happen. Listen I baldy wanted to meet you to thank you for what you did. Thank you for giving my husband to me" Aparna was not in the mood to give up then.

"Because of your cheep tricks I got the best and most loving husband in the world" Aparna's words had a pride in them.

"loving husband? You believe that he loves you, what's a pity!" Nisha's words made Aparna crook her eyebrows.

"in what way you are matching to him for him to love you Aparna, your childish behavior cab only annoy him, and you are just his alibi, to escape that scandal.. We should call that as a scandal you know, the photo's are ture! The claim in true, except for the betraying part. Ask your husband whether he met me or not. And keep this in your mind, you are just an asset for him, the one which is keeping his business steady. He is with you for your dad's business girl" Nisha left the spot.

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