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*Not edited
* Past in italics
*thoughts are also in italics
*dedicated to Antoanto01
*plesse vote and comment.

*the cast for the charecter Sara had been changed. Form now on consider srinisha as Sara.

"What the hell have you done Ajay" furious Aparna screamed

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"What the hell have you done Ajay" furious Aparna screamed.

"look Aparna, I can explain.." he tried to hold her shoulders to calm her down but she pushed his hands away.

"What you are going to day Haan? Are you going to establish yourself as some sacrificing king or what?" the pain in her voice killed him. She was broken and the reason was Ajay. That fact hurted Ajay more than anyone can imagine.

"Listen to me Aparna, I took that decision for my better future-" before he could finish she slapped him again.

"What better future? Do I look like a fool to believe all your lies. What better you got by rejecting the admissions form Havard university?" Ajay has no reply.

"Why in the hell you sacrificed your life and dream for me Ajay? Why? To kill me with guilt? Do you want me to die because of the heaviness I'm feeling in my heart" she sunk to her knees and cried.

"Aparna, don't cry" he bend down to wipe her tears but she pushed him away.

"Don't show your face to me if you wish to stay alive" she said burying her head in her knees.

Ajay walked back to his room, he knows that arguing with her is useless. Wiping his tears, he looked at the papers in his hands, where his dream had became a crushed paper.

Ajay wanted to study in a top university from his school days, that is what made him leave India and Aprana alone, eight years back. When he returned back after attending the entrence for Harvard, all be saw was a broken Aparna, too broken to keep herself up.

And the admission he got in Havard didn't felt more important than the girl who lied lifeless in his lap that day. Ajay still remember the broken voice of her which made him leave everything behind.

Ajay's phone ringed breaking his concentration and he looked away form the book he was reading.

Even though his exams are finished he don't want to stop learning and that phone call at unusual time made him frown. A confusion crept his mind when he saw that international number.

"Hello" he said unsure if that anonymous caller.

"A-Ajay" her voice made his heart skip a best. It was hard for him to believe that she is calling him.

In the past three years, she rarely talked with him, and form the day he scolded for marrying without concentrating on her carear, she stopped talking with him. Now this sudden call form her did surprised him.

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