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Finally! Reached the 10th chapter. Thank you everyone who helped me to come this far. Keeping supporting ❤️ love you all.

*Not edited
*dedicated to SaipriyaVenkat
*past in italics
* thoughts are also in italics
*plesse vote and comment too

*Not edited*dedicated to SaipriyaVenkat*past in italics* thoughts are also in italics*plesse vote and comment too

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Ashwin can't move his eyes form Aparna from the time he saw her in their reception saree. He has to say that she changed a lot.

When she wore that last time she was just a child in his eyes, who got married to him because of the circumstances.

He just want to blame himself for taking that selfish step at that time. But now, when he saw her, it was something different. She looked like a complete woman in that saree.

It's true that Ashwin is seeing her in saree after five long years, and he just wanted to hold her close and admire her beauty. He wanted to feel her fragnence which he missed a lot.

If only he can hold her close once agian, he is ready to pay any price to not let her go this time.

Ashiwn's thought broke when he found annoyence in Aparna's face and he moved his sight to the person who stood there with an evergreen smile. Abhijit.

Ashwin's face shrunk when he saw Abhi walking towards Aparna.

"hey beautiful! Long time no see ahn" he waved his hand and Aparna smiled in response.

That smile... That smile did something to his beaming heart. 'She never smiled at you like this these days' his mind started talking the toll on him.

"Hi Abhi, how are you man! I missed you too much" Ashwin rushed to him and hugged him, Even though he hated him to the core.

"Ash-win, I'm fine I'm fine. Leave me" Abhi said struggling to release himself form the bone crushing hold of Ashwin.

"that's good mate" Ashwin tapped his shoulder friendly but a little forcefully making him gasp in pain. Abhijit, Ashwin's younger cousin always had a pride that he is younger and handsome than Ashwin.

And he often uses that Charm of him on the girls around Ashwin. Whether that is his secretary or Aparna, that had no limits.

Ashwin can point out limitless times, before there marriage Abhi used to flirt with Aparna, but nothing worried him at that time, for two reasons, 1. Aparna was so infatuated with Ashwin that she noticed nothing around her. 2. Ashwin has no feelings for her to bother about that.

But now, the scene has changed and Ashwin got a fear in his heart. Ashwin knows that Ajay won't hesitate to chose a better man for Aparna if she had no feelings left for him.

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