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* dedicated to @Priyavenka
* past in italics
* thoughts are also in italics
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Sara took a sip from her chocolate milk shake and looked at the Ajay who is sitting infront of her like an alien who is stranded alone in mars

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Sara took a sip from her chocolate milk shake and looked at the Ajay who is sitting infront of her like an alien who is stranded alone in mars.

"What happened Ajay? You are fearing me." she talked after a five long minutes of silence.

And in reply he just glared her. It would be a lie if Sara told that she is not afraid of Ajay.

His red swollen eyes indicated that he drank last night which is nothing ususal. And his eyes expressed anger which Sara knows is being directed towards her.

The last time she saw Ajay like this was when they both are at US and Aparna informed Ajay about her marriage with Ashwin. They fought that day and he ended up like this which made her doubt another fight between these two.

"Ajay..." she reached out to hold his hand and he moved his hands away.

"What did you said to Aparna?" his voice was low and cold which send shivers through her spine.

The dim lights placed above her dinning table made the scene worse. Sara did expected to witness his wrath when he called to meet her in early morning itself. But she regretted choosing her residence as the meeting spot. A crowded space would have made it more easier.

"Open you non stop mouth now and tell me what you said to Aparna" he didn't shouted but the intensity in his eyes was enough to scare the hell out of her.

"I-" Sara stumbled it was highly unlikely of her, but this man before her is doing everything.

"I said that you loved form the start that is why you are not ready to move on" she said in one breath and the next second Ajay's fingers touched her cheeks with a force which made her yelp in pain.

Her eyes welled up with the pain she felt in her face and in her heart. But she composed herself. She always expected this.

"Why would you say something nonsense like that Aparna" this time he was not angry but worried.

"Because your friend is a stupid Ajay" Ajay felt an anger raising inside him with her words, but he controlled himself. He is already feeling guilty of. Slapping her once.

"Her mind won't think in one way. She don't know what she wants, she won't believe in anything her heart says. She can be easily manipulated and she has to grew up" Sara raised her voice in the end as the tears escaped her eyes.

"she is just a baby Sara, and you confused her more" Ajay's words expressed pure agony.

"She is not a baby anymore Ajay, she is 27 for God's sake and it was you and that Ashwin who spoiled her by pampering. If only that idiot talked openly with her insteed of hiding things she wouldn't have left him. If only you made her understand things not minding her getting hurt for a while she would have understood Ashwin's importance in her life "Sara words startled Ajay.

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