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*past in italics
*thoughts are also in italics
*Not edited
*dedicated to ViratReshma
*please vote and comment.

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The warmth of the morning breeze caressed his face, making him frown

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The warmth of the morning breeze caressed his face, making him frown. Opening his eyes slowly Ashwin looked at tgeb bright blue sky through the window.

It resembled his life in the past, so bright, so peaceful and so sane. Those golden days keep hunting him now and he has no idea until when they are going to hunt him.

'Why all these unwanted thoughts in the morning itself?' his mind questioned.

And he knows the answer. It's because her. All these changes from oversleeping in the morning and this useless thoughts, It's her who is responsible, Aparna.

clearing her thoughts off his mind Ashwin got freshen up for his work. Going to work ment only one thing form now on. He is going to be with her, feeling her presence around.

'you should have dropped this idea when you saw her. Your sanity is important than that godamn deal' his conscious spoke.

But Ashwin knows one thing, but taking this risk he is going to end up in Making one choice which bothering him for years.

In the end he will either hate her with his whole heart or he will forgive and forgot her. But Ashwin determined not to struggle between these two once again.
Entering into his cabin Ashwin looked opposite to his cabin only to find her seriously working in her laptop. There was an innocence in her face, but Ashwin knows that he shouldn't let her innocence fool him.

Yet her can't help buy admire the beauty infront of him. She was always beautiful to him, but this time there is something different.

She looked different, she is nothing like the teenager he knows, she is not the same crazy person he knew. She is matured and beautiful in a unique way. Her braided hair, her saree, her big earrings, the small black dot on her forehead, that lips without lipstick, everything is different and uniquely beautiful.

Ashwin slapped himself mentally for admiring her instead of hating her. Taking a sigh he dailed her through the intercom and within a minute he heard her knock his door.

"Come in, Ms. Aparna" he said with a smirk.

"Sir, how can I help you now?" she asked politely. Her politeness is something weird for him.

"Get me all the project files and also get me a cup of coffee" he said in an authoritive voice and she just nodded.

"sir, your coffee" she placed his cup in the table after few minutes and he did saw her struggling with a pile of files.

"Place them here and take SR construction files and enter all details in the system and mail me that" he said and she nodded.

He expected her to say something. There is no way for her to know what to do. Ashwin knows her qualification and he knows what she was doing before. He gave her the work she has no idea about and the confidence in her eyes shocked him.

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