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*Not edited
*past in italics
*thoughts are also in italics
*dedicated to AshAangiStan your support means a lot sis ❤️

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Raghav sighed when he saw Ajay waiting for him in his cabin as soon as he entered

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Raghav sighed when he saw Ajay waiting for him in his cabin as soon as he entered.

"What now Mr. Ajay" Raghav's tone just meant 'ipo enna panna kathirukan nu theriyaliyae'

"Not much just a little help" Ajay smiled and Raghav gave an annoyed expression.

"Do you remember what your Little help history is? You asked me to hire your under qualified best friend in this top company, then you asked to increase her salary, then you asked me to give her some important post and it turned out to he Mr. Ashwin's assistant for which you even held my collar, then you asked, my top employee, most talented Karthika to assist them, even I did that. now What should I do?" Raghav's words just made Ajay laugh.

Raghav being good to Ajay and Aparna doesn't mean he is a saint, he touchered other employees and Ajay did that with him.

" only one more help, just Hire one more person. Don't worry he is over qualified for that post, but just hire him okay. I will mail you his resume" said Ajay and Raghav nodded his head like a scapegoat.

"That's nice" Ajay said and went out of that cabin, he can't risk getting caught to Aprana now, there is a lot of things he has to accomplish now.

That morning was beautiful for Ashwin as he woke up with a smile

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That morning was beautiful for Ashwin as he woke up with a smile. The morning breeze which entered through the open window and caressed his face making his lips curve more.

It has been years, when he felt sane like this before and then there was she in this same room, As his wife.

Even though he was afraid to her broken again, he decided to take risk, if anything went wrong, he can then easily convince his heart which blame him for lack of effort every other day.

Ignoring his thoughts he got freshen up and stood before the mirror setting his hairs.

'don't act like a teenager you ere 32 for God's sake act like one' his mind chided as usual and he frowned. That's there to bother if he is not a teenager anymore, he never did all those impressing things back In those days and if needed he will do that now.

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