New Story Alert- An Obsidian Charade of Love

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Mithra, the fierce warrior, had always been a force tobe reckoned with and resolve was unyielding

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Mithra, the fierce warrior, had always been a force tobe reckoned with and resolve was unyielding. she showed no mercy to those who played with her emotions. She built her empire from the scratch and let no one touch that.

when her life turned into a game of revenge, she became a master of deception, masking her turmoil behind a professional actress's smile. No one knew what's running in that little brain of her, and even the smartest men fell behind her in her games. But when she met him, everything changed.

His smile, that killer smile, shattered the walls she had built aroundher heart. Suddenly, she was no longer in control of her own destiny. Love, anemotion she had dismissed as a mere illusion, struck her like a thunderbolt.All that she had held in her possession slipped through her fingers, leavingher empty-handed.

Amid this love-hate game she played with Varun, the people she trusted the most were weaving the biggest trap of all specifically for her. When the bubble burst and reality came crashing down, she made a mistake—one that cost a life and more.

Varun, on the other hand, had led a sheltered life underhis father's protective shield all his life. Love was an alien concept until Mithra entered hisworld. Suddenly, it consumed him, transforming him into someoneunrecognizable—a love-sick puppy, chasing after her. But love wasn't done withhim yet. When she exited his life, she took with her the moon he had cherished,leaving only stars in his night sky. In response, he vowed to destroyeverything she cherished, including love itself.

And then there is him, the DEVIL.

Love, the elusive force that shapes destinies and unravels souls, had woven its threads through his very being. He wouldn't claim sainthood in his past, but neither was he a devil. His heart had once held space for compassion—a soft spot for the injured dog, a willingness to part with a hundred rupees for a beggar. But now? Now, he was a different breed altogether.

The brutality of countless murders played out before his eyes left no mark on his conscience. The cries, curses, and pain were mere echoes, fading into insignificance. He had become immune to human emotions, all thanks to what he cynically referred to as Love. It was this emotion that had molded him during a crucial phase of his life—a phase when desperation drove him to extremes.

"When you want something desperately," she had taught him, "do anything to obtain it." Those words, once absorbed as mere knowledge, now fueled his actions. And then there was her other lesson: "Emotions are the strongest weapon against your enemy." He had mastered that theory, wielding it like a blade honed to perfection.

But now, the tables had turned. The love that had painstakingly constructed him, brick by brick, was metamorphosing into Mithra's destruction. Could she survive the storm he had unleashed? The sword she had forged, he sharpened daily, anticipating the day when he would wield it against her. The seeds she had sown, he watered with calculated cruelty. The harvest loomed, and the question hung heavy in the air: who would reap?

Perhaps fate held the answer, or perhaps someone else—someone unseen, pulling the strings from the shadows. As their intertwined destinies hurtled toward an inevitable collision, the stage was set for a reckoning. Love, the architect of their downfall, stood center stage, waiting to reveal its final act. 🖤🔪🌹

So, guys this is the brief introduction to my new story (or old one which is previosly known as destructive love) hope you guys love this story too and will support me like you guys always had

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So, guys this is the brief introduction to my new story (or old one which is previosly known as destructive love) hope you guys love this story too and will support me like you guys always had.

The link to the story is or you can find the story on my profile

Thank you and love you all. 

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