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Amelia = Mum

Lara = Maman

It's been a few months since Naomi left. Reality is starting to sink in that she really won't be coming back. I've been depressed ever since she left. I've overheard my parents saying that I was worse than when I had originally been rescued. I was shutting everyone out, including my family and friends.

When she left, it felt like all the color in my life left with her. I had gone to her home, but her siblings were the only occupants there. They knew where she was, but refused to tell me. My maman found me while I was torturing them. If it wasn't for her intervention, Leo would be dead.

Vera had tried to get me to open up, but she wasn't successful. The only thing she received was heartache. Since she was an empath, she absorbed my pain and collapsed on the floor. I panicked and sped to her at the same time my door was thrown open. Ellio scooped her up in his arms and zoomed her out the room. It was then decided that I couldn't see my best friend anymore since my grief could kill her.

"Time for the big guns, principessa." I saw Duomo open my door. "Do your magic." He moved out the way to reveal Hailey.

I groaned and turned on my side. Hailey said something to Duomo before making her way to me. I felt the bed dip and her arm go around my waist. Her hand covered mine and gripped it. I turned around so that I could hug her. I buried my face into Hailey's chest and cried. She ran her fingers through my hair while occasionally kissing my head.

"I'm hurt." I whispered.

"I know, biquette." She held me tighter.

"When will the pain go away?" I muttered.

"I don't know." She sighed. "It'll just get easier."

"Will you stay?"

"Of course, biquette."


I used my fork to move the food around my plate. My maman sighed. My family has been trying to get me to eat, but I've been refusing. The hunger pangs offered me a different sensation of pain from my heart. I've lost a considerable amount of weight, which has everyone concerned.

"How about we have a girl's day today?" Hailey widely smiled. I didn't meet her eyes and kept moving my food around. "Well, Z?"

"Umm.. sure." I mumbled.

"Okay, but you have to eat up first." She nervously said.

"I think I'm gonna go back to my room." I stood up.

"Z." My mum grabbed my wrist. "Please eat. You can't just waste away."

"But there's nothing to live for anymore." My moms' breaths hitched. "I-I can't..." I shook my wrist free.

"Do you even want to continue attending the school?" I stopped and turned to look at my maman. "Is it making you sad or-"

"I'm reminded of her every time I walk inside that building." I sniffled. "And then the taunting isn't helping." I shook. "I try to have strength everyday I wake up, but that strength is zapped from my being when I walk inside. I'm overcome with memories of her." I began crying. "I just miss and want her back!" Hailey sped to hold me. "Why'd she leave me?!"

"Little dove-"

"She's wounded me, mum! She's the cause of my pain!" I gripped Hailey's arms. "She should've just let me die and not give me the false feeling of love!" I screamed.


"My heart feels like it's bleeding!" I yelled at Hailey. "She used me! She took everything from me when I had so little to give." My voice cracked. "I'm the biggest idiot. I trusted her even when I knew what she did to me. I j-just love... my heart hurts." My knees gave out, so Hailey had to catch me. "Everything hurts!"

"Is this what heartbreak is like?" My maman turned to my mum.

"Yes, especially when it's your first." My mum wiped her eyes. "It hurts even more since her mate did this to her." She held back a sob.

"Would you like to go to a different school?" I looked at my maman. "Would you?" I nodded at her.

"Where?" My mum asked her.

"I'm thinking of sending her to a supernaturals' school." My mum arched a brow at her. "My family runs a supernatural school in Croatia... it's actually the best supernaturals' school." She proudly stated. "Would you like to attend it?"

"I'd know no one." I looked down. "Even though I'm miserable here, I at least know some people-"

"Hailey will go with you." My mum cut me off. "Won't you Hailey?" Hailey reluctantly nodded. "And you can always make a portal to visit here."

"And if you want to leave, then we will remove you immediately." My maman stated.

"B-But I don't want to be away from you guys and-"

"If I'm to be fully transparent, then I must divulge my real motive." I nodded at my maman. "I need to meet with my aunts to discuss some potential threats. I'd be in Croatia anyways, so..."

"Then yes." I nodded. "I'm just gonna miss my friends."

"You'll be able to speak with them and you can always make a portal to see them." My mum got up to hug me. "You aren't alone and I don't want you to feel like you're being abandoned. We just think a different scenery may be better for you." She pulled back to look at me. "But that's only if you're okay with it."

"I am." I breathed out.

"Hailey, help her pack please." Hailey nodded at my maman.

Hailey carried me to my room and gently placed me on the bed. She then zoomed around the room while packing stuff in suitcases. I rested my chin on my knees. I then wrapped my arms around them while watching her. She saw me watching her, so she stopped and placed a comforting kiss on my forehead.

"We'll get through this together." She gave me a reassuring smile. "I promise you won't be alone."

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