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I was trudging through the forest when I heard a voice. I stopped and turned to see Ken running up to me.

"Zena! What happened?!" She embraced me.

"I hurt so many people." I cried into Ken. "I lost control and murdered them."


"T-These wolves were trying to hurt Acacia, so I-I killed so many of them." I whispered. "I didn't need to kill them. My parents could've- I hurt them Kennedy. I was wrong. I don't have control. I'm a monster!"

"You can't be a monster when you were protecting others." Ken pulled back. "You're the purest one out of all of us. You're a hero Zena. I know Acacia thinks so as well."

"Should we get back to training?" I mumbled.

"About that... Zena, I want to apologize. I shouldn't have-"

We tightly gripped onto each other when the ground shook. It stopped after a minute of shaking. Ken and I locked eyes. Did an earthquake just happen in- we screamed bloody murder.

Hands shot us from the ground and grabbed our legs. Ken and I were quickly separated and yanked into the ground. I didn't have time to react since the hands dragged me under the ground. I can't believe I'm gonna be buried alive again! I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I was thrown onto a stone ground. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a dungeon. I felt really chilly down here. Where am-


She landed with a harsh thud. She winced in pain, so she must've broken something. I tried to crawl towards Ken, but something halted my advance. I noticed my leg was chained so I tried to break it. Big mistake! The chains were silver, so my hands began to burn from the contact. I screamed and dropped the object. I was focused on my burnt hands, so I didn't even notice the sound of heels.

"Well, this turned out better than I anticipated."

I turned and saw an attractive woman with black hair. Her features were sharp, but she was incredibly pale. It was almost as if she spent most of her time in the dark and was Vitamin D deficient. Why so she- oh no! Don't tell me she's-

"Lilitu." Ken whispered. Aww, come on!


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"I'd prefer Aunt Lilitu." She smirked at Ken. "And you must be Zena." She crouched in front of me. "You are beautiful like Lara." She ran her eyes over me. "I am curious who tastes better... you or Lara?" Ken and my eyes widened. "That'll be for a different day." She stood.

"What do you want?!" Ken snapped.

"Your death." Lilitu casually remarked. "I hate competition."

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