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Acacia had just finished yelling at Nat and Cara to stop leaving her How To Have Lesbian Sex books. Cara had also signed Acacia up for a subscription on porn hub while Nat gave her a massive box of sex toys. Acacia was beet red while I was curious what sex toys she bought. I found a vibrator and turned it on. I started laughing when I had it vibrate against my cheek.

Acacia facepalmed herself while her friends loudly laughed. She shoved them out her room and then plucked the toy from my hand. Acacia rolled her eyes and then smirked. She pushed me onto my back and then crawled on top of me.

"That's not how you use it." She purred and waved the vibrator around.

"And how do you use it?" I decided to entertain her.

"Like so..." My breath hitched when she placed the object under my skirt. "Like how it feels?" She arched a brow as I struggled to form a coherent thought. "Well, that's the preview." I began to whine when she turned it off. "Don't need Pervert 1 and Peeping Cara hearing you SCREAM MY NAME!" Acacia got off me and began pounding on her door.

I heard groans from the other side. Acacia then opened the door, causing Cara and Nat to topple over. She then dragged them down the hall and away from me. Acacia returned shortly after and slammed her door close. She smiled and jumped next to me. Acacia yanked me into her and began to cuddle me.

I smiled and allowed myself to inhale her flowery scent. We laid in comfortable silence, enjoying the other's presence. We weren't talking, so I was able to think about random stuff. Acacia played with my hair and left gentle kisses along my temple.

"Aqua?" She hummed. "W-Would you..." I trailed off because I started to become anxious.

"Would I what, nin mel?" She cocked her head to the side.

"What does that mean?" She scrunched her brows in confusion. "Nen meal?"

"Nin mel." She smiled. "It means my love in my language." She kissed my lips.

"And pupu means bunny?" She blushed at that. "What?"

"It means bunny in Finnish, but bunny in my language is bunnui . I just chose pupu because it seems more adorable and immature."

"Well I love it." I kissed her. "I'll gladly be your pupu, but not your poopoo." I clarified, causing her to laugh.

"Now, what's troubling you?" She played with my hair.

"I-I don't know how to phrase it because- I just don't know how." She was beyond confused. "We're in a relationship, right?" She nodded at me. "That means I'm supposed be completely honest and not harbor any secrets." She slowly nodded since she was lost. "That means I should share remnants of my past, right?"

"As in your slutty ex girlfriend?" I rolled my eyes at her description of Naomi. "Because I'm fine not knowing every single detail."

"I'm talking about when I was kidnapped as a child." Her eyes widened. "Would you like to see my memories from then or- is it weird to show you them? I don't know the protocol-"

"Only if you're comfortable." She smiled and held my face. "I wouldn't want to force you into something you're not ready to-"

"I am ready!" I sat up. "I want you to know everything about me, so... I guess I can show you some fragments of my memories. They maybe a little dodgy, but I'll try my best." I took a deep sigh.

"I'm ready whenever you are, pupu." She then held my hands. "And I'll be with you the entire time. I got you and Im mel cin, nin lend bunnui." (I love you my sweet bunny) She deeply kissed me.

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