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I quickly walked into my music theory class. I had woken up late and had to stuff my face with waffles my aunt made since my mum couldn't cook. Well, her idea of cooking was burning the food. I didn't understand how she couldn't cook when she needed it for survival, but my maman was an amazing chef even though she never ate. I let out a relieved breath when I made it in time. I smiled and started to walk to my seat. I stopped when I saw who was occupying the space next to my seat.

"What are you doing?" I hissed at Naomi. I placed my books down and sat in the chair. "That's Inara's seat."

"She can find another space." Naomi smirked at me. "You look beautiful." I blushed at the compliment. "No need to be shy and look down. If you do that, then no one would be able to gaze at your picturesque features."

"Wow that's a heavy flirt." I turned to see Xav sitting next to me. "You're in my sister's seat." Xav said in a nice, but stern voice.

"I see empty chairs near the nerds." Naomi jabbed her thumb towards a guy picking his nose. "Let's just hope she's careful where she touches the desk." Xav's eyes narrowed at Naomi.

"Why are you here? You don't even like music theory." I complained.

"To see you, amore." My heart skipped a beat at the term of endearment. "That annoying elf will do anything in her power to block me from speaking to you since she knows she can't compete." Naomi smirked and turned to the front.

"How do you know her?" Xav whispered to me.

"I'm her ex." Xav's eyes widened at Naomi's comment.

"And who broke up with who?" I looked up to see Inara with her arms crossed. "And get out of my spot!"

"Me and no. Now, shoo." Naomi dismissed her. Inara scowled, but left to sit next to the gross student.

"And that is the reason I don't want to speak to you." I snapped.

"I want to talk to you." She looked at me. "I'm sorry and want to-"

"No!" I loudly shut my book and stood up. "Sorry, Xav. Can you tell the teacher I'm sick?" She nodded.

I then swiftly walked out the classroom. I made sure no one was looking before I sped to my dorm room. I was about to open the door, but Naomi appeared next to me. I groaned at her ability to teleport. I opened my door and walked in. Naomi took that as her cue to follow me inside. I turned around to tell her to leave.

"Naomi, please-"

My voice got caught in my throat. Her eyes glowed pink, which immediately relaxed my body. I felt myself yearn for her touch. I was fully captivated by her sensual movements. She quickly reduced the space and slammed her lips into mine. I closed my eyes and kissed her back. Naomi walked me backwards until my legs hit the bed.

(Let the smutness begin you thirsty people)

We fell onto the bed and continued making out. I felt Naomi unbutton my shirt and remove the tie. I then helped her to take the shirt off. She then moved the skirt up, so she could massage my area. I moaned at the feeling her touches caused. She moved to my neck and sucked on it. I'm sure she left a massive hickey from the pressure she applied.

I gasped when her fingers entered me. I felt my body respond to her touches. She took my nipple in her mouth and sucked away. I was a moaning mess and desperately calling out Naomi's name. She pumped even harder and sent me over the edge. When I came back down, she pumped her fingers faster into me. She refused for me to have a break between orgasms.

She attached her lips to mine and hungrily kissed me. I held her face and opened my mouth to allow her tongue to enter. It was unfair since she was fully clothed, but I was powerless under her.

My eyes then shot open. I literally couldn't resist her pleasuring me. There was no rational thought in my head. That means she put me under a trance. Fuck! I tried to regain control of my head, but it was clouded with lust. I forced Sloane to resist Naomi's hypnotic allure and help me fight back. She refused, so Kimbra began slapping her face. I used the distraction to regain control. I then shoved Naomi off me.

(Hope you were able to find water)

Naomi fell to the floor. When she looked up at my hurt expression, her eyes softened. She was about to say something, but the tears in my eyes stopped her. Sh-She took advantage of me. She warped my head to the point I couldn't say no to her.


"You raped me." I cried. I quickly put on shorts and a shirt.

"Zena, I'm sor-"

"Don't talk to me again." I then ran away.

I had tears streaming down my face. My tears blinded me, so I ran into Cam and Lizzie. I barreled into them, causing us to fall down.

"Damn, you're like a brick wall." Cam rubbed his head.

"How'd you run so fast?" Lizzie asked. "Wait, are you crying?" She noticed my tears. "What's wro-"

"You three should be in class." I turned to see Franni. "Why are you three not- Zena, are you alright?" Her eyes softened. "You two get to class." Cam and Lizzie nodded and ran off. "Zena, what's-"

"I'm sorry. I need time."

I raced away before she had the chance to respond. I kept running until I realized I left Croatia. I had accidentally run to Austria. I groaned and was about to turn back, but I saw some demonic looking creatures crawling out the ground. OMG! They looked like zombies! I shouldn't have watched that Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island movie! Now my nightmares are becoming reality.

I then realized my dumbass had run into a graveyard. Well, I deserve this nightmare due to my careless- AHH! One of the zombies had grabbed my foot and yanked me down. I started screaming and tried to crawl away, but it's grip on me was tight. I turned in horror to see it was trying to drag me into the ground. No way! I've been buried before and I have no intention of repeating that again.

I did a spell to ignite his head on fire. Unfortunately, he didn't flinch and kept dragging me down. It wasn't until I did a spell to acidify his hand that I was able to escape. His hand liquified, so I used that opportunity to stand up. I then saw demonic looking hounds growling at me. What kind of crazy shit do Austrians have?!

I turned on my heel and ran. I used my supernatural speed, but the hounds were also fast. I'm sure I entered Switzerland at this point. I was shocked that the hounds weren't letting up. What was their fascination with killing me?! Thankfully, I was in shorts, so I was extremely mobile. When one got particularly close, I jumped into the trees. I quickly climbed the tree and stared down at my followers.

They bit the air and jumped to try and catch me. I could open a portal back to campus. I was about to perform the spell, but I saw a dark mist wrap around the tree. It was quickly ascending the tree. I squeaked when it wrapped itself around my ankle. I was then dragged down. I reached out and grabbed onto a branch. The mist was stronger since the branch snapped.

I came face to face with demonic looking angels. Their wings were a solid black and they had tails. One of them raised a sword above their head. He brought it down, but I used my hands to catch it. I hissed as my skin began to burn from the silver. I quickly ripped the weapon out his hands and kicked him back.

He stumbled backwards, so his partner swung at me. I easily dodged the attack and used my magic to blast the girl away. I then got up and began running. I ran through the thicket and spared a glance behind me. They were quickly flying towards me, but suddenly stopped. I was confused, but I wasn't gonna question their actions.

I ran deeper into the forest. When I figured they weren't following me anymore, I slowed down. I took a deep breath and allowed myself to relax. I let out a relieved sigh and observed my surroundings. My eyes widened at what I saw before my eyes.

Where do you think Zena ended up?

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