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I would love to know how come I keep getting kidnapped... by my mates' friends. I clearly am not paying attention in the halls since Acacia and Naomi's friends love to abduct me there. Earlier this week, Naomi's friends dragged me onto a motorcycle. I had to hold onto Harley for dear life. Obviously, Harley rode a Harley to the trampoline park.

I ran/ bounced away from Harley and Madison who were trying to pelt dodgeballs at me. I laughed as I flipped over the balls and easily dodged their attacks. They smirked and decided to tackle me into the foam pit. We laughed as we clawed our ways to the surface. Madison's and Harley shoved me back down while they escaped the pit.

I ran after them and climbed the ropes obstacle course. Madison laughed and allowed her limbs to release the harness. Harley squealed and zip lined down the structure. This was such a fun impromptu hang out.

Now, onto Acacia's friends. I think Naomi and Acacia's friends were in some sort of competition. When I came back from my outing with Harley and Mads, Acacia's friends glared at them. They then began to mumble something amongst themselves before leaving.

The next day, I was blindsided by Tatia and Cara. I then sensed Nat behind me. Before I had time to react, Nat had bagged me. Tatia and Cara then carried me out the school and to an awaiting car. They drove with me struggling to free myself, but the girls were sitting on top of me. The driver was confused, but Cara and Tatia told him to mind his own business. He shrugged since he was only concerned about getting paid.

When we pulled up to the roller skating place, the girls got off me. Cara and Nat yanked me after them while Tatia went to the desk. Between the two friend groups, I expected Naomi's to be the one that would blindfold me. Cara then smiled and handed me my skates. I thanked her and tied them. Nat then dragged me to the middle of the floor.

I was panicking because I didn't know how to skate. Cara laughed while Tatia tried to teach me how to skate. Nat skated circles around us, much to Tatia's annoyance. Tatia ended up sticking her leg out, causing Nat to trip. Nat then went flying into a distracted Cara. Tatia and I laughed while the other two groaned. Tatia offered her hand for me to take. We then laughed and skated past the pair struggling to get up.

"So that's what I've been doing the past week?" I talked to the hologram of Vera and Mel.

"That sounds fun!" Vera stated.

"It seems like they're trying to battle for who's the more fun friend group." Mel laughed.

"Who did you have more fun with?" Vera eagerly asked.

"I don't know." My friends rolled their eyes. "I'm serious, guys." I laughed. "They're all unique, so I can't really compare them. No one is like Mads and Harley in Acacia's friend group and no one is like Tatia, Cara, and Nat in Naomi's friend group."

"Okay, which friend do you prefer?" Mel asked.

"And don't say you don't know!" Vera pipped up.

"Harley and Mads are definitely equal. I like them equally." My friends rolled their eyes. "Tatia scares me half to death. She's super intimidating. And then Nat and Cara are both crazy in their own ways." I laughed. "It's hard to compare them to be honest."

"I'm sure I could figure out who's more fun." Vera stated.

"Actually, why don't you come here and hang out." Vera's eyes lit up. "I'd invite you Mel, but you're a-"

"Hunter." Mel sadly laughed.

"I was gonna say human." I awkwardly chuckled.

"Biquette, time for you to leave." Hailey sang as she entered the room. "Oh, hi Ver and Mel!" She waved at the two. They greeted Hailey back. "Your friends are waiting outside."

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