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I huffed and threw the tie on the bed. I flopped down and crossed my arms. I've never had to wear a uniform before so this is new. And we have to wear a tie and blazer! I'm happy that I can regulate my body temperature because I'd be burning hot otherwise.

"Need help, biquette?" Hailey smirked down at me. I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Uppity up." Hailey yanked me up.

Hailey then picked up the tie and fastened it around me. I tuned Hailey out when she sang a song about how to properly tie a tie. I winced when she hit a particularly high note. Hailey then slapped my arms and told me she was done. I looked in the mirror to see she had adjusted it perfectly.

Hailey and I picked up our bags and left the room. I think we had math first or something since there was an equation on the board. Like my gran-aunts mentioned, the class was mainly empty. There were 10 other students, so I assume the rest will arrive over the course of the week.

Hailey and I sat near the back. The teacher gave us some problems to do, but said that classes wouldn't really begin until next week. He then told us we were free to talk, if we weren't obnoxiously loud. The students high fived and began talking to their friends.

I glanced at Hailey, but saw she was on Tinder. I rolled my eyes at her. She caught my gaze and pulled my chair closer to her. She then began asking for my opinion on the guys. I swiped right on the cute ones. It wasn't long until Hailey got some messages. She then shoved me away so she could text them some perverted messages.

I decided to text my friends in the meantime. A small smile fell on my lips when they expressed how much they missed me. I chuckled since Mel and Luca were battling it out in the group chat. Vera was just telling me to hurry up and get better because she wanted to see me. I told her I'd try. I then told them about my gran-aunts. Mel and Luca stopped arguing since they were interested.

Ellio was curious what they looked like. I was about to tell him to Google them, but I realized there probably wouldn't be any pics of them. Most of my family didn't post pictures of themselves since we never aged and we didn't need to tip off any hunters. I then thought of something.

I rummaged through Hailey's bag until I found a notebook and some pencils. She quirked a brow, but went back to asking the guy about his dick size. I then did a rough portrait of my gran-aunts. I say rough since I managed to draw them in like 10 minutes. I snapped a pic and sent it in the chat. The chat was quiet for like 30 seconds.

I then loudly groaned, catching the attention of a few students. I blushed and looked down at my phone. Luca and Mel were saying how hot my aunts were. Even Ellio was practically drooling, so Vera had to tell Ellio to quit it. We all laughed at Ellio being reprimanded. Mel asked if they were single. I made sure to tell her that they were vampires, so her fantasies could die right there.

We kept texting until the bell rang. I told my friends I'd speak to them later. Hailey patiently waited for me. We then walked throughout the halls to physics. She muttered about hating this class with a passion. I didn't see the reason she hated it since I thought the subject was quite simple. Hailey then reminded me that my parents were STEM loving nerds. I rolled my eyes and told her that I could also draw. Hailey huffed and muttered about that not being fair.

We sat in the middle. There were more students here and they were staring at us. I felt uncomfortable under their gazes while Hailey made seductive eyes at some of our peers. Some of the guys moved closer and began flirting with Hailey. I scooted away from them and worked on some of the problems the teacher gave us.

I was quietly working until I heard a girl mutter a curse. I looked up to see her brows scrunched together as she stared at the problem. I bit my lip because I wanted to talk to her, but I'm a bit shy. I heard someone tap my desk. I turned to see Hailey giving me encouraging eyes. I smiled and turned around. I took a deep breath before speaking.

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