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We were led to Franni's office, where the door was loudly shut. I gulped and sat in the middle chair. Acacia was to my right while Naomi was to my left. Franni sat at her desk and narrowed her eyes at us. She was about to speak, but Acacia popped off.

"How dare you touch her, you whore?!"

"Back off, bitch!" Naomi yelled back. "She's my mate!"

"No! She's mine!" I sank further in my chair when they started arguing.

"Oh, it's this Naomi!" I sighed, but nodded at JoJo's question.

"Oh, this just got so good." Bridey snickered. "I'm so recording this." She literally had the nerve to take out her phone.

"Why don't you just leave... she'll never love you the way she loves me." Naomi smirked at a fuming Acacia.

"Wanna bet?!"

"We have history together. You really think her feelings for you are that deep? You've only known each other for like a week-"

"A month." I corrected.

"Same thing." Naomi glanced at me. "Unlike you... I've had a taste of her body." Naomi licked the air.

"Oh, so she's just flesh you consume?" Acacia smirked and rose a brow.

"That's not what I meant, virgin! Ya because she really wants to be dating a virgin who can only have sex with her when Zena's ready for marriage." Naomi growled.

"Like that's the worst thing! Me being a virgin and my customs? I'm sure she rather be with a virgin than a bed hopping slu-"

Naomi angrily stood up, resulting in Acacia doing the same. Naomi's eyes darkened as she hissed at Acacia. Acacia manically smirked before summoning her blade. Uh, oh.

Acacia then swung her blade at Naomi's head. Luckily, Naomi ducked just in time. Acacia then sprung onto her, but Naomi threw her off. Acacia was slashing in an effort to hit Naomi. Somehow, Naomi was able to dodge her swings in this cramped room. Naomi flipped over a couch that was ultimately cut in half from Acacia's blade. JoJo was screaming, Franni was yelling at them to stop, and Bridey was laughing and saying she was gonna upload this to WorldStar.

I was in utter shock as to what I should do. My ex and... what was Acacia and I again? Were we together together or just together? I really needed clarification because I was- Ahh! I moved out the way of Acacia's blade. My eyes widened as I observed the chaos of the room. The bookshelf was broken, Franni's desk was smashed, all the couches were slashed, and the windows were broken. Okay, they need to stop.

I watched as Naomi was running out of space. Acacia deviously smirked and swung at Naomi. I sped in front of Naomi and caught the blade with my hand. Acacia's eyes widened in shock since I stopped the sharp object with my hand. I then hissed in pain and released the blade. I looked down to see my hand had been burnt. Shit, that must've been a silver blade.

"The blade burnt you." Acacia whispered. "It only burns vampires." She quietly said.


"That's enough!" Thank you Franni for jumping in! "You will all be punished for this behavior! I will not tolerate the total destruction of my office, Acacia. Your parents will be hearing about this!" Acacia gulped. "And your parents will be contacted, Nao-"

"No! Don't contact Naomi's parents!" I rushed out. My aunts and Acacia looked at me weirdly. Acacia was probably hurt that I wasn't begging for her to be spared as well. "Can we just have detention and no one's parents get called?" I hopefully asked.

"Can I post this to WorldStar?" Bridey held up her phone.


We were assigned to clean the boards and organize the classroom. I was the only one doing the assignment since the other two were screaming at each other. I tried to break them up, but they just glared at me. I accepted defeat and worked on my own.

I think at this point Acacia was cursing Naomi off in her native language. I had no idea what she was saying and neither did Naomi. I think Naomi could tell it wasn't any kind words since she began cursing Acacia off in Italian. Okay, then...

I tiptoed away from the angry girls. I walked to the window and looked out to see Hailey flirting with a guy. Perfect! I lightly tapped on the window. Thank God for enhanced hearing! Hailey turned around and looked up. She smiled and waved at me. I mouthed help me to her. I heard her yell what? I rolled my eyes and mouthed help me again. Hailey cupped her hands and yelled what?


Hailey was laughing since she understood me the first time I mouthed the words to her. I flipped her off and turned around to see the girls glaring at me. I gulped and awkwardly laughed. They were about to open their mouths, but Hailey opened the door. Their heads immediately snapped in Hailey's direction. Hailey's mouth dropped open at seeing my two mates. Her mouth slowly formed into an amused smirk. You've got to be kidding me!

"Oh, this is so good!" Hailey squealed. "I'm so telling Sophie and Lexi this." She began texting away.

"What is she doing here?" Naomi glared at Hailey.

"She's my guardian." I rolled my eyes.

"Your guardian that flirts with you all the time?" Naomi's eye twitched in annoyance .

"Hell ya... we're secretly lovers." Hailey swung an arm around me and pressed a kiss to my cheek. She must seriously have a death wish since both girls' jaw clenched.

"Knock it off." I shoved Hailey.

"This is a very welcomed surprise. I'm so happy you asked me to attend school with you." I rolled my eyes at Hailey. "Well, this was all fun... but competitors I have to steal Z away." Hailey grabbed my hand and zoomed me to my dorm.

"Thank you so much!" I embraced her.

"Don't thank me yet." I groaned and pulled back to see a smirk on her face. "I'm totally gonna FaceTime Lexi and Sophie right now. I'll include Nick on the call too since he loves gossip." I rolled my eyes and watched Hailey flop onto her bed.

I needed to actually talk to a responsible adult, so I made a portal. I flipped Hailey off before stepping into my bedroom in Italy.

I love how Z only views Amelia as the responsible adult lol

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