Acacia's POV: 1

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I slowly crawled along the tree branch. I moved slower than a snail and then suddenly stopped. I made my breaths quieter and began to begin the motion again. I then stopped and squatted. I slowly reached behind me and pulled out an arrow. I fashioned it on the bow and pointed it at my unsuspecting target.

My target moved slowly and cautiously surveyed the area. I smirked since I was undetected. I glanced over my shoulder and saw another object moving closer. I waited until the predator walked away before focusing my attention back on my prey. My prey looked another way, so I decided this was the perfect opportunity. I released the dull arrow and watched it fly into the butt cheek of my target.


I loudly laughed when Kai held his butt. Kai turned around to find me laughing in the tree. He pulled the object out his butt and crossed his arms in defiance.

"What's wrong, KraiBaby?" I giggled.

"No fair! You can't fire arrows at my butt!"

"Relax, drama Queen." I flipped off the branch. "It was a dull arrow. No serious damage except for a bruise." He yelped when I smacked his butt.

"You are so gonna get it." He smirked and shoved me.

I was about to ask what he meant, but I heard an arrow whizzing in the air. Kai ducked just as the arrow ripped through the leaves. I reached my hand out to conjure up my blade, but I momentarily panicked and forgot the spell. My eyes widened as the arrow got inches from my face. I closed my eyes when I heard a slice in the air. I then opened them to see my dad a few feet from me. He sheathed his sword and gave me an amused look. I rolled my eyes and turned in a huff.

"Did I get her?!" Finn stumbled through the foliage.

"Nah, dad interfered AGAIN!" Kai complained.

"AGAIN?!" Finn whined.

"Yes because you two idiots are harassing your sister." My dad swung an arm around me since I was trying to leave. "How dare you force her to play this childish game with you two?" I grunted since my dad's embrace tightened. "I can't believe you would kidnap your own sister." He smirked when I failed to get out his arms.


"She made us do it!"

"We were forced!"

"Come on, dad!"

"Nope... you two must do more duties because of this immaturity." At this point, I was trying to push my dad's face, so he'd release me. "I'm thinking of menial lessons..." My brothers' jaws dropped while I was loudly groaning since he wouldn't release me. "So, head back to the palace and Tgeorina will dole out your chores." My brothers were about to complain, so my dad told them to get a move on.

"Fine." They grumbled and left.

"Can I go now?!"

"Sure." He smirked and carried me to a river bed.

"Don't you da-" My words were caught off by my father dumping me into the river. I emerged slowly with steam coming out my ears. My dad hysterically laughed at my drenched form.

"Now, wash off." He chuckled.

I smirked and began to whisper. My dad arched a brow before his features changed to horror. He moved to run away, but the tree branches reached out and wrapped around my father's leg. The trees then tossed him into the water next to me. I then called upon the birds to poop on his head when he emerged. My dad glared while I laughed at him.

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