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Today was combat/ training. We would be doing tactical training that would put what we learned in the classroom to use. Hailey had to go off with the vamps, leaving me with the witches. Hailey threateningly hissed at me. I rolled my eyes because it's not like we'd be interacting with each other.

I was confused why Acacia was in my group. I then realized they probably grouped the people who could do magic together. She scoffed and rolled her eyes when she saw me. I made sure to keep a sizable distance from her. The last thing I wanted was to make Acacia uncomfortable. She already thinks I'm a pervert who is forcing her to have these newfound emotions.

The trainer told us to partner up. A red head grabbed me before I had the chance to blink. She gave me a smile and began to do the drills.

"I'm Monica. I haven't seen you here before." We were connecting our auras.

"I'm Zena and I'm a transfer." I allowed her to gain control of my aura.

"What made you want to transfer from Italy?"

"How do you know I'm from Italy?" I raised a brow.

"Your accent, silly." She lightly shoved me. "Now, why Croatia?"

"My maman wanted a change of scenery for me."

"Maman? That's French, right?" I nodded. "So your mom is French."

"One of them is." I propelled a weak blast at her.

"One?" I nodded. "But that- ooooooooooh." I chuckled and nodded. "That's cool. So only one is here with you. Are they divor-"

"My mum has to work in Italy, so she can't travel here." I performed a spell. "Where are you from, Monica?" I teased.

"Cuba." She answered. "I came here because this is the BEST supernatural school!" I smiled since I know my maman will love to hear that. "You're really good at this." She was staring at my display of magic.

"I just practice a lot." I shyly looked down.

"You're so humble and cute!" I blushed and gave her a smile. "Aww! Your cheeks are red!" She squished my cheeks together.


"Shouldn't you be training?" Monica and I jumped away from each other. We turned to see Acacia's pissed off expression. "Why don't you find a new partner?" She directed the comment at Monica.

Monica gulped and quickly nodded. She then went to find someone else. I was staring at the ground while I could feel Acacia's harsh gaze. I decided to look up when I heard her clear her throat. I nearly cowered at seeing the fire behind her eyes. She was pissed and I didn't exactly know why.

"Have you purposely been ignoring me?" She sounded hurt.

"N-No." I quickly responded.

"Then why didn't you partner with me?" She crossed her arms. "You chose to go with someone you don't even know!"

"I-I j-just thought-"

"Whatever." She flipped her hair over her shoulder. "We're working together."

She roughly grabbed my hands. She gasped the same time the spark ran through our hands. She looked me in the eyes and scoffed. She then threw my hands down and walked away. I was standing there since I didn't know what to do. Was I supposed to follow her or-

"Zena! Let's go." I guess I'm following her.

I trudged after her to a free space. I observed my classmates performing offensive and defensive spells. The spells being cast were mild, so no one would be seriously hurt. I casually turned to face Acacia. I jumped at seeing her animalistic eyes. Oh shit! Please tell me she didn't ask to partner with me because she wants to kill me!

My eyes widened when she conjured up fire. She then blasted me with the flames. I squeaked and ducked out the way. Yep, she's definitely trying to kill me! I stood up when she dropped her hand. She then smirked and flicked her wrist. My jaw dropped when I saw her conjure up a blade. I turned to the person next to me and pointed at Acacia. Was I seeing things correctly?

I yelped when she swung at me. I dodged out the way and began running from her. I'm sure to the outsider it was a comical sight. Acacia was yelling like a berserker while I was screaming bloody murder. Why the hell is she performing a war cry while chasing me with a massive sword. All the students stopped to stare at us in confusion. I saw Hailey take out her phone to record us.

I turned around to see Acacia getting closer. I turned my head around and ran right into a body. I fell to the ground since it felt like I ran into a boulder. I heard a giggle, so I looked up to see JoJo. Bridey had her arms crossed while staring at Acacia. Acacia slowed down and disintegrated the sword. JoJo offered me a hand to pull me up. Bridey snapped her fingers and motioned for us to follow her. JoJo then told the other students to continue their training.

We followed them into Franni's office. She looked up when JoJo closed the door. Bridey motioned for us to sit in the chairs. Acacia sat, but glared at me the entire time.

"Miss Jørgensen and Miss Sang." Acacia removed her gaze from my face to look at my aunt. I gulped and turned to my aunt. "Mind explaining the event that just happened?" She placed her pen down. She was staring at us in annoyance. I could tell my aunts weren't angry at me, but they were putting up the facade that I was just a normal student.

"We were training." Acacia simply said.

"With a lethal weapon?" JoJo asked.

"I wasn't gonna seriously harm her."

"Only mildly?" A small smile ghosted Bridey's lips. "You two will be punished."

"Anything to say, Miss Sang?" JoJo indirectly asked for me to speak up.

"I provoked her." I averted my gaze to the window.

"Then, it's settled. You two will be assisting in after school activities." Acacia groaned. "Would you rather have a 3 hour detention everyday until I decide to end it?" Acacia shook her head. "Good. And I expect this not to happen again or I'll be reaching out to parents." Acacia went rigid at the threat. "Understand?"

"Yes, Miss Pure."

I arched a brow since I didn't realize that's the name they went by. I found it funny how we split the name SangPure. I took the first part while they took the latter. Franni then turned to me.

"Y-Yes, Miss Pure." I stuttered.

"You begin working after classes." Bridey smirked. "Have fun." She mocked me. When Acacia wasn't looking, I stuck my tongue out. JoJo and Bridey chuckled at my actions. They quickly wiped the smile off their faces when Acacia turned around.

We walked out the room and I closed the door. Once the door was closed, Acacia turned to me with fire in her eyes. I gulped and backed away from her. I kept walking back until I collided with a wall.

"This is all your fault." She harshly poked me. "Leave me alone." She spat before leaving me confused in the halls.

I always picture the scene with Acacia holding the hilt of her sword with two hands and running with the blade over her head. I then imagine her screaming like a maniac after Z. And then Z is screaming and running away in terror. For me, it's hysterical since Z could simply flick her wrist and Acacia would go flying.

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