Acacia POV: 4

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Because of my terrible evening yesterday, my friends announced that we were partying today. I was excited since it's the main party of the semester. We got dressed and arrived at the crazy party. We decided to get shit faced, so we attacked the mixed drinks.

Cara began to excitedly hit my arm and then drag me to a group. We fell down on each other and began to obnoxiously laugh. Tatia came over and squatted down to tell us that Zena and her idiotic friends were in attendance. We looked at Zena, who quickly snapped her head away.

James started the game and we watched in amusement at the victims. Nat decided to annoy me by forcing me to play the stupid game. I glared when she used my hand to spin the bottle. Why didn't she do it?! She loves- holy shit it landed on Zena!

What do I do?! What do I do?! I looked at my friends who were holding in giggles. They were not helpful at all! And shit! She's looking at me now! Play it cool, Acacia. I drank my drink to buy me some time, so I could figure out what the hell to do!

"This game is stupid." I quickly stood and left.

I speed walked to the kitchen and rummaged around for the Vodka. I popped open the bottle and began chugging the liquid. I coughed when Tatia yanked the bottle from my hands. She looked at me with concern while Cara grabbed the bottle to chug. I began giggling like an idiot and latched myself onto Nat. I looked over her shoulder to see Zena walking up the stairs.

"I think she's gone." Nat turned to Tatia.

"And this one keeps raiding the liquor cabinet." Tatia grumbled before walking after Cara.

"Okay, Cia..."

Nat didn't get a chance to finish her statement since I ran off. Where's Zena going?! I quickly followed her up the stairs, but she turned a corner. I ran around the corner, but didn't see her. Where'd she go? I walked further down the halls and saw her groan in annoyance. She turned around and stopped when she saw me.

Zena looks particularly hot today. She gulped as I walked towards her. I grabbed her hand and dragged her behind me. Once we got inside a room, I pushed her against the wall and started making out with her. I felt the spark when our lips touched, which only encouraged me more.

I stumbled back with a stupid smile on my face. Zena's eyes were wide as she looked at me. I licked my lips and then left the room. I walked down the hall and literally fell into Nat's arms. Nat arched her brow in confusion when I kept calling her Zena.

"Zena, I want you to fuck me!" I screamed and tried to kiss Nat.

"I hope you remember this tomorrow." Nat smirked at me.

"I want sex!" I tried to kiss her, but she pulled back. "Let me taste your lips!"

"Cia, I'm not gonna kiss you-"

"Not those lips." My voice darkened, causing Nat to redden. "Make love to me!"

"What did you do to her?" Tatia carried Cara towards us.

"Hump me! Fuck me! Daddy better make me choke!"

"Lick! Lick! Lick! I wanna eat your dick !" Cara joined in on the song.

"My pussy pink like salami!" I shouted.

"I think it's time we go home." Nat laughed and picked me up. "And stop trying to kiss me!" She pushed my lips away from her. "I'm not Zena!"

"This is the first time I've ever heard you reject an opportunity to kiss her." Tatia chuckled.

"That's because she's convinced I'm Zena and I'm not into her calling me another girl's name." Nat pinched my lips together. "I wouldn't be surprised if she has a wet dream about a certain witchy girl." I began smiling at the thought of Zena.

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