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Naomi's POV

~21 years ago

I was shaking in excitement. Lara was reported to be in Amsterdam, so that's where I teleported to. I could afford to miss a few days of school to be with her and if they gave me any problems... Lara would take care of it.

As expected, Lara was in a nightclub. The people knew me as Lara's girlfriend, so I was quickly allowed access. I had security escort me to the VIP area, where I saw Lara appearing disinterested by the woman attempting to give her a lap dance. I was surprised that Lara was refusing the dancer since Lara always loved anything sexual. She must be feeling off or something. I then spotted Taemin and Nick in the corner. Nick was beyond excited to be retelling a story to Taemin, who cracked a smile at his husband.

I picked up a glass from the server. I gulped the liquid and smiled. I made sure my hips swayed as I sauntered towards Lara. I had all eyes in the room because of my long legs. The red dress had a thigh high slit, so it offered people's imagination to run wild. I didn't care about anyone else's wild imagination except for Lara's. She appeared to pick up my scent since she glanced in my direction.

I brightly smiled at her, but my smile was greeted with a sigh. I immediately frowned from the cold response. She's never regarded me with annoyance and disinterest. What's wrong? Maybe she's stressed, but she'd always allow my fingers to reduce any tension. I shook off the feeling and straddled her lap. Lara looked shocked and immediately lifted her hands, like touching me would be poisonous. I frowned and rocked my hips into hers.

"Naomi, stop." She sighed and looked away.

"Why? You love it when I do this." I licked her neck, causing the familiar shiver from her.

"I'm serious." She finally touched my hips, but it was to gently remove me. What's wrong with her?!

"Why don't you want me? I can put you at ease." I tried to kiss her, but she placed her hand over my mouth. She then harshly glared at me and pushed me onto the couch. So she wants to be rough and- why is she getting up? I grabbed her wrist and pulled her down. "What's up with you?"

"Naomi, I'm not interested." She groaned. "In fact, I think it's time we end this arrangement between us." My eyes widened at her words.


"I'm not interested in you anymore. I found someone else who peaks my interest." She looked away and smiled. "Both sexually and physically... and she's much younger." She smirked at my hurt expression. "You've lost your appeal."

"B-But we've been together for decades! You're throwing that all away for a hoe you just met?!"

"If anything..." I gulped when her eyes darkened. "You're the slut and I'm done frolicking with a whore." She roughly grabbed my wrist, making it bruise. "Never disrespect her again." She spat and released me. "Go back to school and maybe you won't have to roam the streets anymore." She stood up.

"B-But I want you Lara." I began crying.

"Who doesn't want me?" She rolled her eyes. "The thing is that... I don't want you." She sneered in my face.

"I l-love you Lara."

"I know." She began snickering. "I don't know why you feel that way since everything was just physical. I never had any interest in forming an emotional connection with you. You were just a body to warm my chilled one. You definitely weren't a source of pride to show off to others." I felt my heart drop at her callousness. "Now, if you'll excuse me... I have a girl to return to." She left me hysterically crying on the couch.

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